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xiǎo yù
  • give explicit instructions;explain clearly;tell explicitly
晓谕 [xiǎo yù]
  • [give explicit instructions;explain clearly;tell explicitly] 告知(旧指上级对下级)

晓谕[xiǎo yù]
  1. 喻字面含义就是比喻,晓谕,启发等。

    Explain literal meaning is likened , dawn Yu , inspire etc.

  2. 神晓谕摩西说,我是耶和华。

    And God said to moses , I am yahweh .

  3. 耶和华又晓谕亚哈斯说

    Moreover the LORD spake again unto Ahaz , saying

  4. 因为耶和华晓谕摩西说

    For the LORD had spoken unto Moses , saying

  5. 耶和华在西奈的旷野晓谕摩西说

    And the LORD spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai , saying

  6. 我很奇怪当年皇上居然没有为此降旨晓谕天下!

    I 'm surprised Abraham Lincoln didn 't write a speech about it !

  7. 神晓谕挪亚和他的儿子说

    And God spake unto Noah , and to his sons with him , saying

  8. 耶和华在摩押平原约旦河边,耶利哥对面晓谕摩西说

    And the LORD spake unto Moses in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho , saying

  9. 又使你们可以将耶和华籍摩西晓谕以色列人的一切律例教训他们。

    And you must teach the Israelites all the decrees the Lord has given them through Moses .

  10. 利21:24于是摩西晓谕亚伦、亚伦的子孙、以色列众人。

    So Moses spoke to Aaron and to his sons and to all the sons of Israel .

  11. 你晓谕以色列人说:'你们到了我所领你们进去的那地

    Speak to the Israelites and say to them : 'When you enter the land to which I am taking you

  12. 神既在古时藉着众先知,多次多方的晓谕列祖

    God , who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets

  13. 你要晓谕以色列人说,凡咒诅神的,必担当他的罪。

    And thou shalt speak unto the children of israel , saying , whosoever curseth his God shall bear his sin .

  14. 绿色江河组织是一个非政府机构,它教育和晓谕人们保护这条大河的重要意义。

    The Green River organization is non-governmental organization that educates and advises people on the importance of protecting this great river .

  15. 耶和华在附近以东边界的何珥山上晓谕摩西,亚伦说

    And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron in mount Hor , by the coast of the land of Edom , saying

  16. 教廷晓谕罗马天主教徒要常常读圣经,而非将这本「书」在架上惹尘埃。

    The Vatican told Roman Catholics to read the Bible more regularly instead of keeping the good book on the shelf gathering dust .

  17. 你们晓谕以色列人说,人若身患漏症,他因这漏症就不洁净了。

    Say to the children of israel : if a man has an unclean flow from his flesh , it will make him unclean .

  18. 那时,大流士王传旨,晓谕住在全地各方,各国,各族的人说,愿你们大享平安。

    Then king Darius wrote unto all people , nations , and languages , that dwell in all the earth ; Peace be multiplied unto you .

  19. 你晓谕以色列全会众说,你们要圣洁,因为我耶和华你们的神是圣洁的。

    Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them : ' Be holy because I , the LORD your God , am holy .

  20. 于是亚比米勒晓谕众民说:“凡沾着这个人,或是他妻子的,定要把他治死。”

    So Abimelech gave orders to all the people : " Anyone who molests this man or his wife shall surely be put to death . "

  21. 你晓谕以色列人说,你们到了我所赐你们那地的时候,地就要向耶和华守安息。

    And say unto them , when ye come into the land which I give you , then shall the land keep a sabbath unto the lord .

  22. 你晓谕以色列人说,无论男女许了特别的愿,就是拿细耳人的愿,要离俗归耶和华。

    Say to the children of israel , if a man or a woman takes an oath to keep himself separate and give himself to the lord ;

  23. 你晓谕以色列人说:'这七月十五日是住棚节,要在耶和华面前守这节七日。

    Say to the Israelites : 'On the fifteenth day of the seventh month the Lord 's Feast of Tabernacles begins , and it lasts for seven days .

  24. 「你晓谕以色列人说:牛的脂油、羊的脂油、羊的脂油,你们都不可吃。

    Speak unto the children of Israel , saying , Ye shall eat no manner of fat , of ox , or of sheep , or of goat .

  25. 出埃及第四十年,十一月初一日,摩西照耶和华借着他所吩咐以色列人的话,都晓谕他们。

    In the fortieth year , on the first day of the eleventh month , Moses proclaimed to the Israelites all that the LORD had commanded him concerning them .

  26. 你晓谕以色列人说,献平安祭给耶和华的,要从平安祭中取些来奉给耶和华。

    Say to the children of israel : he who makes a peace-offering to the lord , is to give an offering to the LORD out of his peace-offering .

  27. 你晓谕以色列人说,耶和华的节期,你们要宣告为圣会的节期。

    Say to the children of israel , these are the fixed feasts of the lord , which you will keep for holy meetings : these are my feasts .

  28. 你晓谕以色列人说,人还特许的愿,被许的人要按你所估的价值归给耶和华。

    Say to the children of israel , if a man makes a special oath , you will give your decision as to the value of the persons for the lord .

  29. 当时你在异象中晓谕你的圣民,说,我已把救助之力,加在那有能者的身上。我高举那从民中所拣选的。

    Once you spoke in a vision , to your faithful people you said : 'I have bestowed strength on a warrior ; I have exalted a young man from among the people .

  30. 你晓谕以色列人说,无论男女,若犯了人所常犯的罪,以致干犯耶和华,那人就有了罪。

    Speak unto the children of Israel , When a man or woman shall commit any sin that men commit , to do a trespass against the LORD , and that person be guilty ;