
  • 网络Tess
  1. 泰丝那时正努力使自己摆脱过去的生活。

    Tess was trying to wean herself from the old life .

  2. 泰丝:为什麽抽水马桶上有两个钮?

    Tess : Why are there two buttons on the toilet ?

  3. 扎克:泰丝!我们扛来了最后两个柜子。

    Zack : Tess ! We brought the last two bins .

  4. 皮特:泰丝,这些柜子是做什么用的?

    Pete : what are the bins for , tess ?

  5. 泰丝,送他去学校不会太费事的。

    Tess , look , really , it 's no trouble to drive him .

  6. 再见伊吉再见佩里再见卡拉再见盖尔再见罗丽再见米奇再见穆厄再见纳尔逊再见汉娜再见泰丝再见卡斯帕

    Bye iggy Bye Perry Bye Carla bye Gail Bye Rory Bye Mickey Bye moe Bye Nelson Bye Hannah Bye Tess Byebye caspar

  7. 而泰丝只需四年就能重新开始,相信我,她……她……在诺拉·艾伦被谋杀的时候,

    Tess could have done in 4 , believe me , she ... she ... at the time of Nora Allen 's murder ,