
  • 网络Tate;Tait;TAD;Alan Tate
  1. 门旁的铜牌上写着“艾伦∙泰特医生”。

    A brass plate beside the door said ' Dr Alan Tate ' .

  2. 她的几幅抽象画已被(伦敦)泰特陈列馆买下。

    Several of her abstracts had been bought by the tate .

  3. 泰特告诉《华盛顿邮报》称,相关国际机构还未正式承认这部分水域为第五大洋,“但是我们认为这时候有必要正式承认第五大洋的地位。”

    Tait told the Washington Post that the span of water is yet to be officially recognized as an ocean by the relevant international body : " But we thought it was important at this point to officially recognize it . "

  4. 2010年,拉科维茨的这一系列作品在泰特现代美术馆(TateModern)他的个展上展出。

    In 2010 , Mr. Rakowitz 's piece became part of an exhibition of his work at the Tate Modern .

  5. 最近的这次叫做“Panorama”,刚刚在位于伦敦的泰特现代美术馆中展出,并即将在柏林和巴黎举行。

    The latest ," Panorama ", has just opened at Tate Modern in London and will travel to Berlin and Paris .

  6. 许多杰出的博物馆都冠以商人捐助者的名字,例如古根海姆(guggenheim)和泰特(tate)。

    Many fine museums have the name of a business benefactor Guggenheim or Tate , for example attached to them .

  7. 真正价值在于,拥有一副泰特博物馆(TateMuseum)或者盖蒂博物馆(GettyMuseum)将愿意公开展出、也能在私下里让自己和其他人叹服的画作。

    The true value lies in owning a painting that the Tate or Getty museums would love to display in public , and being able to dazzle yourself and others in private .

  8. 在基础治疗相同的基础上,治疗组再给予静滴凯西莱200mg/d,对照组则给予静滴泰特(还原型谷胱甘肽,TAD)120mg/d,两组疗程均为4周。

    While the control group was treated with TAD for injection ( 120 mg / d ) . All the patients were treated for 4 weeks .

  9. 所以这位艺术商清理了画面,把它拿给重要的康斯特布尔专家&安妮·莱尔斯(AnneLyles),她曾是英国泰特美术馆的策展人。

    So the dealer had it cleaned and took it to a leading Constable expert , Anne Lyles , a former curator at Tate Britain .

  10. 杉本博司的作品在纽约大都会艺术博物馆(MetropolitanMuseumofArt)和伦敦泰特美术馆(TateGallery)都有收藏。杉本博司说,爱马仕继承人、艺术总监迪马(Pierre-AlexisDumas)几年前到东京拜访了他,之后他同意与爱马仕开展项目合作。

    Mr. Sugimoto , whose work is included in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Artin New York and Tate Gallery in London , said that he agreed to the project after Hermes heir and artistic director Pierre-Alexis Dumas visited him in Tokyo a few years ago .

  11. 泰特现代美术馆馆长希娜瓦格斯塔夫(sheenawagstaff)表示,这件作品将“精湛的工艺水平与史诗般的规模”结合起来。

    Sheena Wagstaff , chief curator at Tate Modern , said the work combined " an epic sense of scale with an exquisite level of craftsmanship " .

  12. 博物馆包括大英博物馆,维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆,国家美术馆,泰特美术馆的,收集的华莱士,该研究所的当代艺术,并Saachi画廊。

    Museums include the British Museum , the Victoria and Albert Museum , the National Gallery , the Tate Gallery , the Wallace Collection , the Institute of Contemporary Art , and the Saachi Gallery .

  13. Hirst作品展今年四月在伦敦泰特陈列馆举办过后(QMA对其投入了200万英镑进行赞助),也将于明年第一次登陆卡塔尔这个国度。

    Mr Hirst 's show at Tate Modern in London , which opens on April 4th and which is costing the QMA more than £ 2m to sponsor , will give rise next year to a Hirst show in Qatar , another first for the region .

  14. 在对泰特美术馆中展出的赫斯特作品目录进行介绍时,SheikhaMayassa这样写道:“艺术—即使是备受争议的艺术—能开启不同国家,不同民族和不同历史间的交流。”未来将对她的决定—也是卡塔尔的,作出检验。

    In her introduction to the Tate 's Hirst catalogue , Sheikha Mayassa writes that " Art - even controversial art - can unlock communication between diverse nations , peoples and histories . " The years ahead will test her resolve - Qatar 's too .

  15. 泰特先生三周前才来这儿工作。

    And Mr.Tate started to work here only three weeks ago .

  16. 这是你叔叔和泰特先生在握手。

    Here are your uncle and Mr. Tate shaking hands .

  17. 我叔叔被杀后,我看到泰特先生做非常令人奇怪的事情。

    After the murder , I saw Mr.Tate do something every strange .

  18. 再先靠近一点,莫里斯先生……保持微笑,泰特先生。

    A little closer , Mr.Morris ... Hold that smile , Mr.Tate .

  19. 托尼:我想维克多?查普曼和泰特先生是同谋。

    TONY : I think Victor Chapman and Mr. Tate are partners .

  20. 托尼:没用的,查普曼。泰特招供了。

    TONY : It 's no use , Chapman . Tate confessed .

  21. 泰特。我要开始在这里工作,今天是我的第一天。

    I 'm starting work here . Today 's my first day .

  22. 泰特十三岁时就被送去跟食品杂货商学生意。

    Tate was apprenticed to a grocer at the age of thirteen .

  23. 我们认为泰特先生和这事有关。

    We think Mr.Tate had something to do with this .

  24. 是的,这是你叔叔和泰特先生在握手。看这儿!

    Yes.Here are your uncle and Mr.Tate shaking hands.And Look !

  25. 在这首诗里,泰特表达出了他通常的那种盲目的乐观主义。

    In the poem , Tate is speaking his usual blind optimism .

  26. 现在英国泰特艺术中心正为他举办个人画展。

    Now Tate Britain is giving him a one-man show .

  27. 告诉我你知道泰特得先生些什么?

    Mr.Tate ? Tell me what you know about Mr.Tate .

  28. 影片由斯塔西?泰特执导,菲?唐纳薇主演。

    Faye Dunaway stars in the Stacy Title film .

  29. 我想维克多.查普曼和泰特先生是同谋.

    I think Victor Chapman and Mr.Take are partners .

  30. 英国伦敦国家剧院泰特美术馆,伦敦,英国

    National Theatre london , england Tate britain , london , uk , 2002