
  • 网络Thai Buddhism;Thai Buddhist;Buddhism in Thailand
  1. 泰国佛教僧侣聚集周日5月16日,2010年,在曼谷,泰国诵经祈祷和平的胜利纪念碑。

    Thai Buddhist monks gather Sunday , May16,2010 , at Victory Monument in Bangkok , Thailand to chant prayers for peace .

  2. 近现代泰国佛教的世俗化趋向

    The secularized tendency of Buddhism in Thailand in modern times

  3. 中国传统文化与泰国佛教建筑文化有着深远的历史关联。

    The Buddhist architectural culture of Thailand embodies the spirit of the Thai nation and its political system .

  4. 他在东京研究日本的园艺美学,在泰国探索佛教。

    He studied the aesthetics of Japanese gardens in Kyoto and delved into the teachings of Buddhism in Thailand .

  5. 泰国社会的佛教民俗(上)

    Buddhist Customs in the Thai Society ( 1 )

  6. 尽管泰国主要以佛教人口为主,这几个省份的居民大多是马来穆斯林。

    While Thailand 's population is predominately Buddhist , the residents of those provinces are mostly ethnic Malay Muslims .

  7. 泰国是个佛教国家,几乎每个男孩都要出家一次。

    Thailand is a Buddhist Country and nearly every man will become a monk for at least once in his life .

  8. 在游行间歇,AcharavadeeWongsakon抱怨道,一些泰国人对佛教的认知不过就是其国民身份证上的宗教信仰信息而已。

    During a breather between parades , Ms. Acharavadee complained that some Thais regard Buddhism as little more than a detail listed on their national identity cards . '

  9. 泰国是一个佛教国家,在教学实践中有很多新事物是要我们学习的。

    Thailand is a Buddhist country . There are a lot of new things we need to learn in our teaching practice .

  10. 泰国民众主要信奉佛教。过去二三十年,泰国现代化进程发展迅速,但许多民众仍然很迷信,他们在修佛的同时,也相信鬼神、占星以及巫术之说。

    Thailand is predominantly Buddhist and has been modernizing rapidly over the past two or three decades but many people are highly superstitious , their Buddhist beliefs co-existing with notions of animism , astrology and " black magic . "

  11. 泰国文化深受泰国历史和佛教的影响,也受到全球经济的影响。

    Thai culture is not only influenced by Thai history and Buddhism deeply , but also influenced by global economy .

  12. 泰国90%以上的人口都信仰佛教,但与其他东亚国家一样,随着经济的蓬勃发展,社会生活日益现代化,泰国的佛教文化开始受到冲击。

    The Buddhist faith practiced by more than 90 % of Thailand 's population is going through something like culture shock as the country quickly modernizes alongside East Asia 's other booming economies .