
  • 网络Le Duc Tho;Le Due Tho
  1. 黎德寿(LeDucTho)曾在谈判中讥讽我:如果用50万人都无法摆平越南,你凭什么认为用越来越少的人反倒可以呢?这个问题我一直没有想出答案。

    I never found an answer when Le Duc Tho was taunting me in the negotiations that if you could not handle Vietnam with half-a-million people , what makes you think you can end it with progressively fewer ?

  2. 简单地说,同黎德寿举行的三次会谈说明河内的立场是蛮横无理,寸步不让的。

    In short , Hanoi 's position as it emerged in the three meetings with Le Duc Tho was peremptory and unyielding . Not one inch of our fair land will be surrendered .

  3. 黎德寿注意到了这一点,但未露出感兴趣的任何迹象。

    Le Duc Tho noted it without any show of interest .