
  • 网络Lebanon War
  1. 这是自四年前的黎巴嫩战争以来最为严重的边境冲突。

    It was the most serious border clash since the Lebanon War four years ago .

  2. 格尔德瓦瑟是其中一名军人的妻子。两年前这两名以色列军人被绑架曾经引发了黎巴嫩战争。

    Karnit Goldwasser is the wife of one of the two soldiers , whose capture sparked the Lebanon War two years ago .

  3. 随着1982年6月6日黎巴嫩战争的爆发,伊叙关系进入了一个亲密合作的新时期。

    With the outbreaking of the Lebanon war in June 6 , 1982 , The two countries ' relationship entered a new era of close cooperation .

  4. 但黎巴嫩战争也支持了另一种解释将伊朗的不断崛起视为该地区最大的不稳定因素。

    But the Lebanese war also fed an alternative interpretation one that sees the rising power of Iran as the most destabilising factor in the region .

  5. 从黎巴嫩战争看里根时期的中东政策黎巴嫩军队和武装分子在黎波里激战两天了。

    A Study of the Reagan s Middle East Policy during the Lebanon War ; For the second straight day , the Lebanese army and militants clashed in Tripoli .

  6. 在一份以色列官方调查报告称以总理在处理黎巴嫩战争问题上是失败的,之后以色列朝野上下都要求总理。

    Parliamentarians across israel 's political spectrum are demanding that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert resign , after an official inquiry reportedly describes his handling of the Lebanon war as a failure .

  7. 黎巴嫩战争不仅仅只是邻居间的磨擦,它还是美国和伊朗两国之间的博弈,如果事情果真如此,战后的持久和平何从谈起?

    If the Lebanon war is not just a scrap between neighbours but also a proxy war between Iran and America , how is it going to be possible to bring about a durable peace once it ends ?

  8. 7月:黎巴嫩爆发战争。

    July : war breaks out in Lebanon .

  9. 以色列总理受到越来越大的压力,他调查他的政府处理有关在黎巴嫩的战争。

    Israel 's prime minister is under increasing pressure to investigate his government 's management of the war in lebanon .

  10. 以色列《国土报》周二在报道中称,以色列和叙利亚的代表曾进行了近两年时间的秘密谈判,并且在去年夏天黎巴嫩境内爆发战争之前,为一份和平协议建立了框架。

    Israeli and Syrian representatives held nearly two years of secret negotiations , coming up with a framework for a peace deal , before war erupted in Lebanon last summer , the Israeli daily Haaretz reported tuesday .