
  1. 2010年9月,迈克尔·多比(MichaelDobie)和两个朋友搬去了黎明村。正是这两个朋友在一本旅游指南中发现了这个中国村庄。

    Michael Dobie moved to Liming in September 2010 with two friends who discovered the Chinese village in a travel brochure .

  2. 近年来,许多村子通过开挖资源走上了致富道路,但黎明村依然穷困。

    Many villages have become rich from exploiting natural resources in recent years , but the Liming Village is still poor .

  3. 但他们来这里是有目的的——在中国推广传统攀岩,而在这一点上,黎明村有两个优势。

    But the group came with a purpose - to establish traditional , or " trad , " climbing in China - and for this , Liming offered two advantages .

  4. 2011年,塞加尔前往黎明村探索和开发更具挑战性的新路线,并用优美的视频和引人入胜的文章记录下了自己一路的见闻,向更广大的国际攀岩社区介绍了这里。

    Segal visited Liming in 2011 to explore and develop new , more challenging routes , documenting his trip for a wider , international network of climbers with sleek videos and colorful articles .