
  • 网络riemann integrability
  1. Bernstein多项式对黎曼可积函数的逼近

    Approximation by Bernstein Polynomials in the Space of Riemann Integrable Functions

  2. 抽象函数的黎曼可积性

    Riemannian integrability of abstract functions

  3. 从勒贝革积分理论的建立和发展看函数黎曼可积条件的推广

    On the Extending of Integral Conditions of Riemann Function According to the Foundation and Development of Lebesgue Integral

  4. 但是,本文指出并论证了下述结论:黎曼可积函数的连续函数必定黎曼可积。

    This paper has drawn and proved the conclusion that continuous function of Riemann integrable function is certainly Riemann integrable .

  5. 黎曼可积函数序列的极限函数为黎曼可积的充要条件&黎曼积分号下取极限的充要条件

    A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Riemannian Integrability of the Limit Funtion of a Sequence of Riemann Integrable Functions Exchange Order between Integration Computation and Limit Computation

  6. 分析了诸多积分概念的共性,抽象出黎曼积分的定义,给出了黎曼可积的条件。

    This paper sums up the common character of the concept of many integrals , abstracts the concept of Riemann integral and gives the integral conditions of the Riemann integral .