
lí mínɡ shí fēn
  • at dawn ;gray hours
  1. 黎明时分,他们向敌军阵地发起进攻。

    They attacked the enemy positions at dawn .

  2. 黎明时分天气阴沉,云幕低垂。

    The day dawned sunless and with a low cloud base .

  3. 夏天我们回到加拿大后,在黎明时分重游了这个湖泊。

    In the summer , when we returned to Canada , we revisited this lake at dawn .

  4. 地震发生在黎明时分。

    The earthquake occurred / happened at dawn .

  5. 尽管他不愿用自己的声音来打破这可爱的黎明时分的寂静,但他想不出还有什么别的办法可以找出那位无处可见的,神秘的新朋友。

    He hated to break the lovely stillness of dawn by using his voice , but he couldn 't think of any other way to locate the mysterious new friend who was nowhere to be seen .

  6. 墨子回答说:“青蛙和癞蛤蟆的叫声从早到晚没有停过,但是,却几乎没有引起人们的注意。公鸡仅仅只在黎明时分叫上几声,便能将天下的人都唤醒.”因此,话多不一定有好处。

    Mohist answered , " The grog and hop never stop shouting from day to night , but they get little from people . The rooster only sings only for a few minutes in the morning and wakes up all the people . So , it is not necessarily advisable to speak a lot . "

  7. 如果这颗特定的GOES卫星是在与地球同步的轨道上,那它在UTC时间的7点钟会被地球遮蔽,而此刻格林尼治正处于黎明时分。

    If this particular GOES satellite is in geostationary orbit such that it experiences an eclipse by Earth at7:00 UTC , then this point in time is when Greenwich is experiencing a dawn .

  8. 每天早晨,黎明时分总有一刻。

    And every morning there was this moment right around dawn .

  9. 黎明时分她和不同的男人在灌木丛里鬼混

    She was in the shrubs at dawn with various men .

  10. 第二天黎明时分,一阵劈柴声搅得我似醒非醒。

    At daylight I was half wakened by the sound of chopping .

  11. 黎明时分,关于我们的回忆充溢着我的心。

    At dawn , I overflow with thoughts of us .

  12. 27日黎明时分,正刮着西北风。

    A northwesterly gale was blowing when daylight came on the twenty-seventh .

  13. 黎明时分,海水退潮让各种五彩缤纷的野生动物显露出来。

    At dawn , low tide reveals a colorful spectrum of wildlife .

  14. 黎明时分,大雾弥漫,细雨蒙蒙。一个烟雾弥漫的工业城市

    Daybreak comes with thick mist and drizzle . a smoky industrial town

  15. 黎明时分,在碧蓝的海水衬托下非洲热带小岛显得如此迷人。

    Tropical island in amazing colors glorified by deep blue seawater at dawn .

  16. 我们的派对在将近黎明时分才结束。

    Our party doesn 't end until almost dawn .

  17. 黎明时分,破晓之时,恰如牛儿穿过厅堂。

    Dawn breaks like a bull through the hall .

  18. 黎明时分他们跳上了旅途。

    They started off upon their journey at dawn .

  19. 你们必须在黎明时分动身。

    You must start at the peep of dawn .

  20. 我以前黎明时分感觉到的那种宁静。

    That stillness I used to feel before dawn .

  21. 航班在黎明时分到达纽约。

    The flight arrived in New York at dawn .

  22. 黎明时分天色暗淡,太阳被雾气笼罩着。

    The dawn sky was pale , the sun was wreathed in mist .

  23. 我将静待黎明时分的狂喜

    Serene to wait the rapture of its dawning

  24. 黎明时分我们到达了悉尼。

    We arrived in Sydney as dawn broke .

  25. 当时一些商店周五营业至黎明时分。

    Then some stores opened Friday at dawn .

  26. 黎明时分我们开始了向东的旅程。

    We began our eastward journey at dawn .

  27. 船在黎明时分进了港。

    The ship entered the port at dawn .

  28. 每天黎明时分,贝多芬先生就要在楼上制造那些可怕的噪音了。

    Every morning at dawn Mr. Beethoven begins to make his dreadful noise upstairs .

  29. 他们黎明时分出发,目的是侦察出一条通过布雷区的路。

    They left at daylight in order to spy their way through the minefields .

  30. 黎明时分我们被枪炮声惊醒了。

    We were woken at dawn by gunfire .