
lián xù ɡōnɡ línɡ
  • successive length of service;successive terms of office;uninterrupted standing
  1. (一)男年满六十周岁,女年满五十周岁,连续工龄满十年的。

    Males reaching the age of 60 and females 50 with a seniority of ten years of continuous service .

  2. 二十六岁的魏伯夫人据说是英国第一个通过针灸恢复听力的妇女。(一)男年满六十周岁,女年满五十周岁,连续工龄满十年的。

    Mrs. Webb , 26 , is said to be the first woman in Britain to have her hearing brought back by acupuncture . Males reaching the age of 60 and females 50 with a seniority of ten years of continuous service .