
  1. 一般类型:早期专业部队轻步兵是专业战士,虽出生低微。

    Light Men at Arms are professional warriors , drawn from the lower classes .

  2. 一般类型:后期专业部队努比亚矛兵是由从撒哈拉南部土地上招募奴隶编练成军。

    Nubian Spearmen are African slaves from the lands south of the Sahara desert , trained and formed into standing military units .

  3. 精英类型:城市专业部队尽管宪兵骑士们出身贵族,而且属于重装骑兵,但训练有素军纪森严,为精锐职业骑兵。

    Although drawn from the nobility , and equipped as heavy knights , these men are well trained and disciplined professional soldiers .

  4. 精英类型:后期专业部队骑士们穿著光亮的装甲,至少,这些人骑士拥有高尚荣誉的理想。

    True knights in shining armour , in principle at least , these men espouse the noble ideals of chivalry and honour .

  5. 一般类型:早期专业部队由于蒙古铁骑入侵,伏尔加流域的塔塔尔部落只得辗转迁徙至立陶宛,在那里寻找新的家园。

    Having lost their homelands to the Mongol Horde , these Volga Tartars have made their way to Lithuania , where they now look to establish a new society .

  6. 发挥水电、交通、工程、测绘等专业部队的优势,支援国家和各地交通、水利、能源、通信等关系国计民生的基础设施建设。

    China 's armed forces bring into full play the advantages of hydroelectric , transportation , engineering and cartographic units , and support national and local infrastructure construction related to national economy and people 's livelihood in such areas as transportation , water conservancy , energy and communications .

  7. 招聘专业的部队,让他们加入你的军队。

    Recruit speciality troops and summon creatures to join your army .

  8. 英国为其防御而组织的非专业的部队单位。

    British unit of nonprofessional soldiers organized for defense of GB .

  9. 专业警察部队的概念在美国还是20世纪的产物;

    The notion of a professional police force in America is a creation of the twentieth century ;

  10. 第二炮兵下辖导弹基地、训练基地、专业保障部队、院校和科研机构等,目前装备东风系列弹道导弹和长剑巡航导弹。

    The PLASAF has under its command missile bases , training bases , specialized support units , academies and research institutions . It has a series of " Dong Feng " ballistic missiles and " Chang Jian " cruise missiles .

  11. 军队院校和科研、医疗单位,以及专业技术部队,采取转让科技成果、协助技术攻关、帮助培训人才等方法,积极为国家建设服务。

    Military academies , scientific research and medical units , as well as special technological units actively support national construction by transferring scientific and technological findings to the civilian sector or by offering it assistance in tackling key technical problems and personnel training .

  12. 2011-2012年,军队院校、科研单位和专业技术部队共承担国家重大专项、科技支撑计划等课题研究200多项,参与科技攻关220项,转让科技成果180项。

    From 2011 to 2012 , military academies , research institutions and specialized technical units undertook more than 200 research subjects , including national major projects and key technology R & D programs ; participated in 220 projects tackling key scientific and technological problems ; and transferred 180 technologies .

  13. 建立专业化的部队充满了挑战——考德威尔表示,最大的挑战就是文盲——阿富汗招募的警察和军队中绝大部分人不能读写。

    Building a professionalized force has challenges - Caldwell says the biggest one is - the vast majority of police and army recruits can not read or write .

  14. 只有受过细菌战专业训练的特种部队。

    Only special forces trained in biological warfare .

  15. 随着时代的发展和科技的进步,青年专业技术干部在部队中所占的比例越来越大,他们知识文化高、接受能力强,但同时自我意识强、思想活跃、个性差异大。

    As time going by and the scientific and technological progress , the proportion of the young professional technological officers becomes larger and larger in the grassroots forces . They are blessed with high education , rich knowledge . But they are strong in self-awareness , active in thinking .