
zhuān yuán
  • commissioner;assistant director
专员 [zhuān yuán]
  • (1) [commissioner]∶专区的主要行政官员,由省、自治区人民政府委派

  • (2) [assistant director]∶负责专项业务工作的人员

  • 商务专员

专员[zhuān yuán]
  1. 他高度赞扬了联合国难民事务高级专员的工作。

    He lauded the work of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees

  2. 对8至12岁青少年的报告是由儿童事务专员安妮·朗菲尔德(AnneLongfield)完成的。

    The report into youngsters aged from 8 to 12 was carried out by Children 's Commissioner Anne Longfield .

  3. 银行要是不肯帮忙,就去找申诉专员。

    If the bank is unhelpful take it up with the Ombudsman .

  4. 他给德里的英国高级专员公署发了份电传。

    He sent a telex to the British High Commission in Delhi .

  5. 这一举措符合让公司的法律专员在单位内部做更多的工作,而不是将工作分包给律师事务所的趋势。

    The move is consistent with a trend for corporate legal staffs to do more work in-house , instead of farming it out to law firms

  6. 儿童事务专员说,学校和家长现在必须做更多的工作,让孩子们为他们在网上面临的情感雷区做好准备。

    The Children 's Commissioner said schools and parents must now do more to prepare children for the emotional minefield they faced online .

  7. 英格兰儿童事务专员的“点赞生活”研究发现,8岁的孩子主要是为了玩耍而使用社交媒体平台。

    The Children 's Commissioner for England 's study — Life in Likes — found that children as young as 8 were using social media platforms largely for play .

  8. 专员发出了对她的逮捕令。

    The commissioner has issued a warrant for her arrest .

  9. 但作为前欧盟(eu)竞争事务专员,蒙蒂应该更加大胆一些。

    But Mr Monti , as a former EU competition commissioner , should be even bolder .

  10. 本文作者著有《改造巴基斯坦:摆脱不稳定的途径》(TransformingPakistan:WaysoutofInstability)一书,他曾担任英国驻巴基斯坦高级专员

    The writer is the author of Transforming Pakistan : Ways out of Instability and a former UK High Commissioner to Pakistan

  11. 非常感谢参议员ChrisButtars和高等教育专员BillSederburg的到来。谢谢你们。

    Senator Chris Buttars and Bill Sederburg , commissioner of higher education , appreciate you two , thank you very much .

  12. 波斯特洛斯是在担任NBA专员大卫斯特恩特别助理两年之后到达休斯顿的。

    Postolos arrived in Houston after a two-year stint as Special Assistant to NBA Commissioner David Stern .

  13. 客服专员将和漂在北京网站的CEO及市场推广总监紧密合作,为该网站的客户及会员提供服务支持。

    The Service Coordinator will work closely with WLIB'sCEO and marketing director to provide service support to WLIB 's clients and users .

  14. 肥胖已成为一项全国通病,影响了数百万美国人,美国国家食品和药物管理局(FoodandDrugAdministration)专员玛格利特·汉伯格(MargaretHamburg)在24日的电话会议上告诉记者。

    Obesity is a national epidemic that affects millions of Americans , Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Margaret Hamburg told reporters on a conference call on Monday .

  15. 截止2月9日Facebook招聘了超过97名软件工程师,78名基础架构专员和51名数据/分析专家。

    As of Feb. 9 , Facebook was hunting for 97 more software engineers , another 78 infrastructure specialists , and 51 data / analytics experts .

  16. 欧盟贸易专员彼得曼德尔森(petermandelson)表示,要维护多边贸易体系的可信度,需要各方做出妥协。

    Peter Mandelson , EU trade commissioner , said compromise was needed to preserve the credibility of the multilateral trade system .

  17. 此外,资金管理服务专员(TSO)需要与不同的区域办事处合作解决PCI交易下单之问题。

    In addition , a TSO will need to trouble shoot the PCI trade order issues with various regional offices .

  18. 即便是欧盟(eu)内部市场专员查理麦克理维(charliemccreevy)这样著名的自由市场倡导者,也对主权基金表示担心。

    Even Charlie McCreevy , EU internal market commissioner , a leading champion of free markets , is concerned about sovereign funds .

  19. 对于去年底就任欧盟贸易专员的凯瑟琳阿什顿(catherineashton)来说,这将标志着一个胜利。

    It would mark a victory for Catherine Ashton , who took over as European Trade Commissioner late last year .

  20. 新西兰隐私专员约翰?爱德华兹(JohnEdwards)昨日成为最新一位批评该公司的人,他表示,Facebook违反了该国的隐私权法。

    John Edwards , the New Zealand privacy commissioner , yesterday became the latest to criticise the company , saying it had breached the country 's privacy laws .

  21. 征收反倾销税的做法得到了欧盟贸易专员彼得曼德尔森(petermandelson)的支持,预计意大利、西班牙和葡萄牙制鞋商将从中受益。

    The duties , championed by Peter Mandelson , EU trade commissioner , are expected to benefit Italian , Spanish and Portuguese footwear manufacturers .

  22. 记者就此采访了芭芭拉·施罗德,国家海洋与大气管理局NOAA国家海龟保护事业专员。

    EarthSky spoke with Barbara Schroeder , national sea turtle coordinator for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration , or NOAA .

  23. 联邦警察专员EdgarMillanGomze提供了搜捕行动的详细结果。

    Federal police commissioner Edgar Millan Gomez provided details on the results of the raids .

  24. “零号专员”阿里纳斯阿里纳斯是三届NBA全明星球员,曾三次入选NBA最佳阵容,并在2002-03赛季被评为NBA进步最快球员。

    Arenas Arenas is a three-time NBA All-Star , three-time member of the All-NBA Teams , and was voted the NBA Most Improved Player in the 2002-03 season .

  25. 欧盟卫生专员约翰达利(JohnDalli)呼吁德国及其它国家帮助消除不必要的公众恐慌。

    John Dalli , European health commissioner , called on Germany and other countries to help quell unnecessary public fears .

  26. 去年12月,在欧洲和泰国的罐装玉米行业出现分歧后,欧盟采取了临时措施。欧盟贸易专员彼得•曼德尔森(PeterMandelson)昨日裁定,这些措施应继续执行下去。

    Peter Mandelson , the trade commissioner , has ruled that provisional measures imposed in December after a row between the European and Thai industries should continue .

  27. 欧盟经济事务专员奥利·雷恩(OliverRehn)抵达雅典,讨论希腊政府提出的债务清理建议。

    EU Wants Sronger Measures to Fix Greek Economy EU Commissioner Oliver Rehn is in Athens to discuss Greek proposals to

  28. 美国国家教育统计中心(NationalCenterforEducationStatistics)专员杰克·巴克利(JackBuckley)指出,家庭收入位居最高四分位数的美国学生的表现不如具有类似背景的其他国家学生。

    Jack Buckley , the commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics , noted that American students from families with incomes in the highest quartile did not perform as well as students with similar backgrounds in other countries .

  29. 欧盟内部市场专员查理麦克理维(charliemccreevy)的发言人表示,欧盟的评估将包括暗池。

    The Brussels review would now include dark pools , said a spokesman for Charlie McCreevy , EU internal market commissioner .

  30. 或者是一项针对巴以冲突的政策&这项政策将超出前欧盟外交事务专员彭定康勋爵(LordPatten)称为参加四方会谈的庄严战略?

    A policy towards the Israel-Palestine conflict that reaches beyond what Lord Patten , the former European external affairs commissioner , once called a solemn strategy of attending meetings of the Quartet ?