
  • 网络expert judgment;expert judgement
  1. 本文在确定指标权重时采用了专家判断法(德尔菲法)与层次分析法(AHP)相结合的方法。6.会计师事务所品牌指数应用研究。

    Determine the index weight to the expert judgment method ( Delphi method ) and the Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) method of combining . 6 , the accounting firm brand index applied research .

  2. 方法比较的标准和依据来自HRA方法的理论基础、模型、分析过程、具体实践,以及文献调研和专家判断。

    The comparison criteria and results are based on the information derived from method foundations , model , analysis procedures , application history as well as literature reviews and expert judgment .

  3. AHP中专家判断信息的提取及一致性调整的方法

    Deriving Information from Judgment Matrix and Regulating It According as Consistent Rule in AHP

  4. 作者首先就AHP群决策所涉及的几个关键问题即AHP标度系统的选择、专家判断的集结、群组相容性进行了讨论;

    Several Key problem concerning AHP Group Decision & making are studied , they are choice of scale system and converging of expert decision and group compatibility ;

  5. 应用物元分析理论,对层次分析法(AHP)中各评判专家判断矩阵提供的信息进行反判,从而对评判专家的评判水平进行判定,提出了“专家效度”的概念。

    This paper applied the matter element analysis theory to judge adversely the information that experts provide in their judgment matrix , thereby judged expert 's appraisal level , and put forward a concept of expert reliability .

  6. FNN能为AHP的专家判断矩阵提供规则,AHP算法能够很好的对单个城市的电子政务的发展做出评价,SOM则能从整体上对电子政务的发展做出衡量。

    FNN is able to get rules for AHP to build expert matrix , and AHP can check a single city 's situation while SOM can be used to evaluate the development as a whole .

  7. 提出了两种专家判断矩阵一致性调整的新方法:一般的Hadamard凸组合(Easy-HCC)方法和基于系统聚类分析的Hadamard凸组合(HCC)方法。

    Two new methods for regulating the consistency of the judgment matrix are presented . They are the general Hadamard convex combination ( Easy-HCC ) and clustering analysis-based Hadamard convex combination ( HCC ) .

  8. 分析了FSA中的几个主要不确定性问题,包括在ALARP原则中的风险标准,如何使用专家判断及进行人的可靠性分析。

    Analyse a couple of principal uncertainties in FSA , including the risk criterion in ALARP theorem and how to make use of expert judgments and Human Reliability .

  9. 同时针对现有模糊综合评判在权重求解上的不足,建立了一个改进的评判模型。引入了模糊AHP法,确定指标的相对权重,充分考虑了专家判断过程的模糊性。

    Simultaneously , to improve the insufficiency of the existing fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method , this paper establishes an improved risk evaluation model which introduces the fuzzy AHP method to count the relative weight of each risk factor , and it has fully considered the fuzziness of experts ' judgment .

  10. 构造了多专家判断矩阵和灰关联度矩阵,并给出了完整的GRAH评价模型。

    Then the whole evaluation model of GRAH is given based on the judgment matrices of multiexperts and the grey relational matrix .

  11. 多专家判断信息的聚类分析与合成

    Method to Analyze and Synthesize Judgment Information of Experts by Clustering

  12. 专家判断信息的提取及一致性调整

    Deriving Information from Judgment Matrix and Regulating It According as Consistent Rule

  13. 专家判断矩阵的一种调整方法

    A Method of Regulating Judgment Matrix According as Consistent Rule

  14. 一种群决策中确定专家判断认真程度的方法

    A New Method of Determining the Reliability of Decision-Maker in Group Decision

  15. 多专家判断信息的一种聚类分析方法

    A Method to Analyze Judgment Information of Experts by Clustering

  16. 概率风险分析中的专家判断分析系统

    System of expert judgement and analysis in probabilistic risk analysis

  17. 类比估算是专家判断的一种形式。

    Analogous estimating is a form of expert judgment .

  18. 专家判断经常用来评价制定项目章程所需要的依据。

    Expert judgment is often used to assess the inputs needed to develop the project charter .

  19. 对于软件规模数据提出了软件测定和专家判断两种方法进行收集,并根据逻辑代码行定义,编制了专用测定软件。

    It gives you two methods ( Software Measurement and Expert Judgment ) to collect software size estimating data .

  20. 主要介绍一种多专家判断信息二次合成方法的原理。

    In this paper , a new method is proposed for synthesizing judgment matrices developed individually by different experts .

  21. 这些下级法院的观点证明,他们高度尊重环境保护局的专家判断。

    In general , these lower court decisions demonstrated a high degree of deference to EPA 's expert judgment .

  22. 专家判断,广东等地连续出现暴雨、雨强增大的根本原因是全球气候变暖。

    Experts estimated , the primary cause of a series rainy day was the warming of the weather in global .

  23. 在应列入项目初步范围说明书中的任何技术与管理细节等方面都会用到专家判断。

    Expert judgment is applied to any technical and management details to be included in the preliminary project scope statement .

  24. 提出了改进的专家判断法,用此方法确定管段失效基本事件模糊概率;

    Improved expert judgment method is brought forward and applied to confirm the fuzzy failure probability of pipeline basic events .

  25. 介绍一种多专家判断信息的聚类分析方法并加以合成处理的原理。

    In this paper , a new method is proposed for analyzing and synthesizing judgment information of different experts by clustering .

  26. 本文采用效果测度分析方法研究泥石流危险度分类,实例计算取得与专家判断相吻合的结果。

    In this paper , the effect measure analyses method is applied to analyse effect factors and study classification of debris flows .

  27. 据专家判断,在恐龙化石群分布区还埋藏有大量恐龙骨骼化石和其它物种化石。

    According to experts'judgment , a large quantity of dinosaurs fossils and other species'fossils are still buried within the dinosaur fossil group distribution area .

  28. 结合相似性与差异性的原理确定了各专家判断的可信度,联合误差权重计算了指标的主观权重和客观权重,从而确定了各安全评价指标的最终权重。

    Combination of similarity and difference principle established the credibility of the expert judgments and error weight of subjective and objective weight was calculated .

  29. 截至目前为止,我们只能够看到一只手及穿着现代样式靴子的双脚。但据专家判断,这具木乃伊可能有1500年的历史了。

    So far only one hand and her feet in modern-looking boots are visible , but experts believe the find dates to around 1500 years ago .

  30. 最后列举了不确定性分析的方法,即蒙特卡罗法、泰勒简化法、概率树法和专家判断法。

    At last , some methods of uncertainty analysis are listed , such as Monte Carlo method , Taylor method , probability trees and expert judgement method .