
zhuān yònɡ ɡōnɡ lù
  • Dedicated highway;highway for special use
  1. 三峡专用公路沿钱安全设施及其设计

    Safety facilities and their designs along the Three Gorges accomodation road

  2. 博鳌水城专用公路工程水文计算综述

    A summary of hydrological calculation on Boao special highway engineering

  3. 本条例对专用公路有规定的,适用于专用公路。

    These Regulations shall apply to accommodation highways where applicable .

  4. 三峡专用公路特大桥特长隧道桥隧址选线

    Route selection of oversized bridges and tunnels of the Three Gorges accomodation road

  5. 深汕汽车专用公路第四合同段软基施工监测

    Weak Ground Construction Control of No.4 Contract Section in Shenzhen to Shantou Highway

  6. 论垦区专用公路机械养护的发展和对策

    Discussion about the development and countermeasures of special highway machinery maintenance at agriculture section

  7. 三峡专用公路的设计特点

    Design features of the Three Gorges accomodation road

  8. 浅谈我省旅游专用公路交通量调查与分析

    The Investigation and Analysis of Traffic Volume for Travel Special Highway in Our Province

  9. 总结经验加强管理充分发挥专用公路效益

    Make the full usefulness of the accomodation road through summing up experiences and strengthening management

  10. 专用公路由专用单位负责修建、养护和管理。

    Accommodation highway shall be built , maintained and managed by the organisations using the highways .

  11. 随着我国旅游业的日益发展,旅游专用公路建设也取得了快速发展。

    With the development of tourist trade in our country , the construction of travel road develop quickly .

  12. 文章系统地介绍了博鳌水城专用公路工程水文计算的过程、方法和步骤。

    This paper introduces systemically the process and the method of hydrological calculation on Boao special highway engineering .

  13. 莲沱特大桥是三峡工程对外交通专用公路上的重点工程之一。

    Liantuo Large Bridge is one of the key project for the special highway transportation in Three Gorges Project .

  14. 三峡工程对外交通专用公路桥面铺装层设计与施工技术研究

    Special Highway Leading Three Gorges Dam Project to Outside Researches in Design and Construction Technique of Bridge Deck Pavement

  15. 对农垦专用公路机械养护的发展和对策,提出了建设性的意见,将有限机械力量的潜能充分发挥出来。

    This paper suggestes methods for special highway machinery maintenance and development tends , inorder to make full use of machinery utility .

  16. 因此,研究锦屏对外专用公路牦牛山西段的斜坡的稳定性,对西段减灾避灾具有重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , the study of stability to the west section of Yak Hill of the foreign private road has important practical significance for disaster prevention .

  17. 专用公路是指由企业或者其他单位建设、养护、管理,专为或者主要为本企业或者本单位提供运输服务的道路。

    Special-purpose highways mean the roads built , maintained and managed by enterprises or other units which provide transport services exclusively or mainly for those enterprises or units .

  18. 本文根据参加济青高速公路及岳阳二级汽车专用公路修建的实践,对高等级公路台背回填从设计到施工等方面进行了探讨。

    This paper inquiries into the design and construction of back filling behindabutment in high-grade highway based on the practice of Ji-Qing Freewqy & the second-Classautomobile-only highway in Yue-Yang .

  19. 山区高速公路是全封闭、多车道、具有中央分隔带、全立体交叉、集中管理、控制出入、多种安全服务设施配套齐全的高标准汽车专用公路。

    The highway in mountain area is completely closed , multi-lane , with central median , the entire interchange , centralized management , access control , multiple security services facilities complete high standards for road vehicles .

  20. 2007年6月10日专用公路开始运营,运营期间发生又接踵而至的出现山体变形、滑塌、滑坡以及渣场失稳等灾害,严重影响专用公路的正常使用。

    The road began operation on June 10 , 2007 , followed by the emergence of mountain deformation , slumping , landslides and other disasters residue field instability has seriously affected the normal use of private roads .

  21. 综观三峡专用公路的建设,取得的主要经验是:狠抓工程的关键部位和工程质量与安全,突出重点,全面协调。建议今后加强管理,充分发挥工程效益。

    The main experiences gained through the construction of the Three Gorges accomodation road are such as taking vigorous measures to the key locations , quality of works and safety , and overall coordination , strengthening management so as to making full use fulness of the road is suggested .

  22. 分析了专款专用的公路建设资金被中标施工企业挤占挪用的原因,以及挤占挪用后对建设项目所造成的不良后果和给社会带来的负面影响。

    The analysis on causes for diverting funds of special use for highway construction by construction companies being acceptance of the bid are carried out in this article , with indicating the harmful consequences to construction project and adverse effect on society due to diverting funds .

  23. 随着公路交通事业现代化的需要,公路专用通信(简称公路通信)已在公路交通生产和管理部门迅速发展。

    The special-purpose highway communication ( highway tele-communication forshort ) has been developed rapidly in the areas of highway traffic and manage-ment to meet the demand of highway Transport modernization .

  24. 沪嘉高速公路是204国道(上海至烟台)的人沪路段,从上海市区祁连山路至市郊嘉定县南门,是一条全立交全封闭设备全供汽车专用的高等级公路。

    Hujia Expressway is a section entering into Shanghai of 204 National Road ( Shanghai to Yantai ) , from the Qilian Mountain Road of Shanghai suburb to the south gate of Jiading County , a full-lnterchange closed equipment for the entire car dedicated highgrade highways .