
  • specialized marine terminal
  1. 翻车卸料机是现代港口专业码头重要的大型物料投运机械,采用大型可编程控制器PLC作为整机的控制中枢,并应用上位计算机对整个物流系统实行监控管理,实现系统安全高效地作业。

    Tip unloading vehicles are an important large-scale material handling machine in special docks of a modern port . Applying large PLC as a control centre and monitoring the entire logistics equipment with a supervisory computer , the system can operate in a secure and high efficient way .

  2. 对于专业码头服务的需求在不断提升,这对于投资机遇具有重要的意义。

    Demand for professional marina services is growing , ushering in significant investment opportunities .

  3. 随着最近几年来国际原油价格的持续上升,如何降低轮胎吊(简称RTG)的燃油消耗成本日益成为专业集装箱码头设备能耗管理和运行成本管理中的突出矛盾和棘手问题。

    As in recent years the international crude oil prices continues to rise , how to reduce tyre crane ( RTG ) fuel consumption cost becomes the prominent contradictions and problems in specialized container terminal energy consumption of equipment management and operation cost management .

  4. 现代大型专业集装箱码头物流系统就是这样一个复杂系统,存在许多工程技术难题。

    Modern large-scale specialized container terminal logistics system is a complex system , there are many engineering problems .

  5. 尽管如此,沿海港口总体能力仍然不足,大型的专业化码头仍然紧张。

    However , the total port capacity still can not meet the market requirement , especially large specialized berth .

  6. 连续输送设备凭借其高效环保的优点,在干散货专业化码头的建设中得到越来越广泛的应用。

    Continuous conveyor equipment specialized in dry bulk terminal building has been more and more widely used , because of its advantages of high efficiency and environmental protection .

  7. 大型深水专业化码头的建设,对码头的结构型式提出了更高的要求,这需要港口工程界在开发新型码头结构的工作中加大研究力度。

    This need has put up a higher request to the structure of the wharf , and it needs us to do more work on studying the new structure type wharf .

  8. 引用概率论的方法,结合工程实例,对专业集装箱码头大门的车道数量进行计算。

    In the paper , the calculation for the quantity of traffic lane at the gate of container terminal was made by applying the method of probability thesis and combining the actual practice of project .

  9. 随着经济的持续增长,中国港口获得了前所未有的发展,中国投巨资建设了大量的大型化、专业化码头。

    With the continuous growth of economy , ports in China have obtained an unprecedented development . In recent several years , China has invested heavily in the construction of a huge number of large-scale and specialized port terminals .

  10. 在码头行业,除了专业的码头经营人,很多新的竞争者在该行业利润的吸引下纷纷携带大笔的资金进入该行业,促使行业竞争更加激烈。

    In the terminal industry , in addition to the professional terminal operators , many new competitors in the industry , attracted by profit have to carry large sums of capital into the industry to promote the industry more competitive .

  11. 山区河流专业化集装箱码头陆域运输工艺探讨

    Land Transportation Technology for Specialized Container Terminal in Mountainous Rivers

  12. 并行管理在专业化煤炭码头工程中的应用

    Application of Concurrent Management in Professional Coal Terminal Engineering

  13. 干散装货终点码头经营人专业化散货码头装卸系统可靠性分析

    Dry bulk cargo terminal operator Analysis on Reliability of Handling System of Specialized Bulk Cargo Terminal

  14. 专业化散货码头装卸系统可靠性分析装货物受潮及因野蛮装卸可能引起的损坏。

    Analysis on Reliability of Handling System of Specialized Bulk Cargo Terminal from dampness and possible damage through rough handling .

  15. 这么专业的煤码头啊我们还是头一回看到呢。真是长见识了。

    This is my first time to have ever seen such a specialized coal dock . it 's really a learning experience .

  16. 岸边集装箱起重机是专业化集装箱码头的主要船舶装卸设备。岸边集装箱起重机大车操作安全分析

    Quayside container cranes are the main handling equipments for ships in specialized container terminal . Gantry operation safety analysis of quayside container cranes

  17. 由于专业的集装箱码头日益成熟,如何通过不同的管理和技术手段充分利用杂货码头的资源以增加码头收益,已经成为生产管理中迫切需要研究的课题。

    As the maturity of the professional container terminal , how to fully utilize the resources through various management and technical tools at cargo terminal to increase revenue has become a necessary research issue in production management .

  18. 最后,以大连大窑湾北岸即将建设的专业化集装箱码头项目为例,验证了模糊层次分析法和本文提出新型配置方案的可行性和实用性。

    Finally , the case of the upcoming specialized container terminal project which located at the north shore of Dalian Dayao Bay is studied to testify the feasibility and practicality of the new configuration of the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process and the optimal solution of the selection model .

  19. 中国步入21世纪以来,汽车制造业得到了飞速发展,大量汽车的水路运输业务促使了专业汽车滚装码头的建立。

    Since 21st century , Chinese vehicle manufacturing industry got rapid development and numerous sea shipping businesses promote the forming of professional Ro / Ro terminal .

  20. 为了适应航运的发展,加速港口运输的现代化进程,我国重点建设了一些自动化程度非常高的大型专业化的散货码头。

    In order to adapt to the development of shipping and the modernization of port transportation process , our country construct some very high degree automation of the major professional bulk dock .

  21. 随着社会经济与工程技术的发展,在海洋运输中船舶逐渐趋于大型化和专业化,对于码头的水深要求也随之提高。

    With the development of socio-economic and engineering technology , ship is becoming more and more large-scale and specialization in the maritime transport , so water depth requirement for the pier increase .

  22. 运营战略的核心内涵:以创新为动力,发挥管理和技术的集聚作用,打造专业化的卓越码头运营商。主要的战略措施有:(1)整合码头资源,引进先进管理。

    The core idea of construction strategy is " make innovation as momentum , exert management and technology collective effect to build professional dock operational enterprise . " Main measures : Integrate dock resource , introduce advanced management .

  23. 当前船舶趋向大型化和专业化,使码头起重机朝着重型、高速、专业化方向发展,而金属结构的重量通常占整机重量的60%-70%。

    Now , shipping is in the trend of larger and more professional , which makes harbor cranes more heavy-duty , high-speed and professional , and metal structure is 60 % - 70 % in total weight of a crane .