
  1. 随着北京联通本地IP网规模的不断扩大及新业务的不断增多,其面临日益增长的安全威胁。

    With the Beijing Unicom , the size of the local IP network constantly expanding and growing new business , it faces growing security threat .

  2. 北京联通集中计费系统是北京联通的核心系统,也是联通BSS系统的重要组成部分,是融合了固话、小灵通、宽带与2G、3G的集中计费系统。

    Beijing Unicom centralized billing system is the core system of Beijing Unicom , it is also the important part of BSS .

  3. 通过基于Web技术的北京联通服务优化调度系统,调度员可以通过浏览器随时派发任务给可用的工程师,工程师也可以通过浏览器直接访问位于服务器上的任务信息,并对任务进行操作。

    By using the Service Optimize Scheduling System of Beijing Unicom based on Web Technology , schedulers can assign tasks to available engineers with web browser at anytime ; engineers can access the task information in the server and operate the tasks .

  4. 以笔者所参与的北京联通IP城域网建设项目为案例,对北京联通的城域网现状、城域网建设需求、宽带城域网网络技术及建设方案的制定进行了分析、探讨。

    It analyzes the existing circumstances , services requirements , technologies and schemes of the broadband MAN of Beijing Unicom , based on the instance of Beijing Unicom IP MAN Construction Project , in which the author participated .

  5. 笔者在文章结尾,对规划建设后的北京联通IP城域网建设成果进行了分析,并总结了宽带城域网的建设方法与建设经验,同时对宽带城域网发展的未来进行了展望。

    In the end of the paper , the author analyzes the effect of the construction projects and summarizes the construction methodology and experience of broadband MAN . The author also provides the prospect and trends of future broadband MAN .

  6. 分析了北京联通现有接入网的现状,包括ADSL、LAN和模块局的问题,论述了EPON技术在北京联通接入网的必要性。

    The author analyzed current situation of Beijing Unicom access network , including the problem of ADSL , LAN and module office , and also elaborated the necessity of EPON in Beijing Unicom access network .

  7. EPON技术应用日趋成熟,作者全程参与了北京联通公司平谷EPON网络项目的规划设计、工程建设和实施等工作。

    The EPON technology application is day by day mature , the author participated in the link company Beijing Pinggu EPON network project plan design , the engineering construction and the implementation work .

  8. 在北京联通即将全面推广此项业务之际,为了提高公司竞争力和客户满意度,公司决定实施SDH以太网专线测试规程项目。

    When Beijing Unicom is going to fully promote this business , the company decided to implement the test regulations project of the Ethernet Over SDH Line in order to improve its competitive power and customer satisfaction .

  9. 结合北京联通网络情况,提出了新建综合业务接入网和原有P2P专线网络改造的网络建设方案,并将设计的结果实际应用于现网的工程项目中,取得了很好的实际效果。

    By taking consideration of Beijing Unicom situation , a new network construction proposal to establish comprehensive service access network and optimize original P2P private network is made and this proposal is proved very good while applied in current network engineering of Beijing Unicom .

  10. 说明了随着ONU价格不断降低,FTTH将逐渐走入家庭,成为北京联通主要组网模式。

    The author illustrated that with the lower price of ONU , FTTH gradually came into common family , and became the main networking mode of Beijing Unicom . 3 .

  11. 本文在深入研究EPON网络及相关协议的基础上,分析了正在实施的北京联通EPON网络的建设实施以及工程验收方案,提出了EPON网络建设思路及相关建议。

    This EPON networks and in-depth study on the basis of relevant agreements , the implementation of the ongoing construction of Beijing Unicom EPON network implementation and project acceptance program , ideas proposed EPON network construction and related recommendations .

  12. 本文结合北京联通宽带网络和BRAS网管现状,分析了北京联通BRAS及相关交换机的管理需求,提出了BRAS综合网管系统的建设方案。

    Based on the Beijing unicom broadband network and BRAS network management present situation , has analyzed the Beijing unicom BRAS and related switch management requirements , put forward the construction of BRAS comprehensive network management system solutions .

  13. 北京联通网络资源管理系统(NRM)就是这样一套贯穿网络资源的建设、设计、施工、使用及维护等各环节,对各类网络资源进行信息化集中管理的运营支撑系统(OSS)。

    The Beijing Unicom Network Resources Management system ( NRM ) is such a system that can run through the construction , design , using and maintenance of network resources , and manage all kinds of network resources .

  14. 本文将就北京联通客户服务门户系统的建设方案进行探讨。

    This paper probes into the building scheme of Beijing Unicom customer service portal .

  15. 对提高融合后新北京联通的客户感知度和客户体验具有极其深远的意义。

    To improve the fusion after new Beijing Unicom customer perception and customer experience is extremely far-reaching significance .

  16. 北京联通全业务付费系统

    Full Service Payment System

  17. 通过平台项目的建设和业务推广,为北京联通扩展了为本地客户提供综合业务服务的能力。

    Through the platform project and business promotion , for the Beijing unicom expanded for local customers comprehensive business service ability .

  18. 客户服务门户系统作为北京联通公司直接面向公众客户提供服务的窗口,在北京联通公司的服务工作中的重要性日益增加,这也对客户服务门户系统的服务能力、扩展能力提出了更高的要求。

    As a window to provide services directly to the public , customer service portal system become increasingly important in services of Beijing Unicom .

  19. 只有提高楼宇拓展项目的管理水平,才能使北京联通在竞争中立于不败之地。

    Improving the management level of new construction development projects is the only way to make Beijing Unicom in an invincible position in the competition .

  20. 通过采集了现网大量数据和后期的理论分析,对北京联通本地传输网中存在的问题、网络瓶颈和安全隐患进行了分析。

    On the basis of existing transmission network data acquisition and theoretical analysis , the paper analyzes the problem , the network bottleneck and the risks of security . 3 .

  21. 还根据北京联通的数据规范,对网络中基本的呼叫过程进行了详细路由分析阐述。最后根据各地区差异,对数据规范做了比较。

    Chapter 4 also elaborates the basic calling process of the network based on Beijing Unicom Communication data standard and makes comparison on data standard in terms of differences among the regions .

  22. 同时,还介绍了项目管理的相关理论和特征,分析了项目管理在现代企业中的应用。其次,详细研究了北京联通企业文化建设项目的背景。

    It also describes the theory and characteristics of project management , analysis of project management in the modern enterprise . Second , we present a detailed study of the background of Beijing Unicom enterprise culture construction projects .

  23. 功能投入使用后,显著的简化了光缆调度过程中路由设计这一环节的工作步骤,节省了工作时间,提高了光缆调度的工作效率,为提高北京联通的光缆业务能力发挥了重要作用。

    After the function in service , it significantly simplifies the step of cable dispatching , saves work time and increases the efficiency of cable dispatching , plays an important role in improving optical business processing capacity of Beijing Unicom .

  24. 文章规划了一个基于项目管理的企业文化建设工作方案,以期能激发出新的动力,推动企业文化建设,并最终适应企业的发展,为北京联通的发展提供动力。

    Article planned program of work on a building of enterprise culture based on project management , in order to inspire a new impetus to the building of enterprise culture , and ultimately adapt to the development of enterprises , and provide the impetus for the development of Beijing Unicom .