
  1. 在分析加入WTO对中国广电产业影响时,应区别WTO条款和中国影视逐步放开两种影响,只有这样才能对中国广电产业发展作出正确的评估。

    The thesis also points out that only after we separate the WTO articles from the policy of gradually opening to the outside on the film and television , can we accurately evaluate the influences of the radio and television industry in China .

  2. 中国广电产业研究

    The Research on China Radio and Television Industry

  3. 宽频互动多媒融合&论中国广电互联网战略发展方向

    Broadband Interaction and Multimedia Convergence & On Strategic Development Orientation of China Radio and TV Internet

  4. 这些现实的改变为中国广电传媒制度新一轮创新提供了实践条件。

    These changes have provided the practice condition for the new turn of innovation in Chinese broadcasting system .

  5. 爱立信致力于中国广电行业长期发展,特别成立了广电及新媒体客户部。

    Ericsson is committed to long-term development in Broadcasting and industry and thus established Cable & Media Segment Account .

  6. 在此基础上,利用面板数据计量分析方法考察了模型中各因素对中国广电产业竞争力的影响程度。

    Then using panel data model , the study derives the size of factors under impact analysis model of Chinese broadcasting industry .

  7. 中国广电业改革的奋进与迷思&对中国广电集团化进程中大整合问题的理论思考

    Advance and Myth of China 's Reform of Broadcasting Industry & Theoretical Consideration on " Integration " of China 's Broadcasting Grouping Process

  8. 在中国广电行业的双向网改造过程中,“EPON+EoC”的改造方式已经成为了主流方案。

    During the two-direction revolution of broadcast industry of China , the " EPON + EoC " transforming mode has become the main solution .

  9. 彭吉象(2006)。机遇与挑战&电视专业化频道的营销策略。台北:中国广电。

    Peng Jixiang ( 2006 ) . Chance and Challenges & Marketing Strategy of Professional TV Channels . Taipei : Chinese Broadcasting and Televising Publications .

  10. 在中国广电行业中,湖南广播影视集团是一枝独秀。

    In the Radio and TV industry in China , Golden Eagle Broadcasting System ( hereinafter referred to as GBS ) is one of the most excellent groups .

  11. 目前,中国广电总局正在大力改造原有的混合光纤同轴形式的接入网,向光接入网发展,拓展光纤传输链路。

    An evolution in access network is now proposed by the Chinese administration of radio film and television , changing the hybrid fiber coaxial networks to optical access networks .

  12. 同时,宽带作为三网融合的基础,中国广电也将通过自己的丰富的用户资源,开始进行宽带的发展。

    At the same time , Broadband as the basis of triple-play bundling , China Radio and Television also starts the development of broadband rely on its rich network resources in the access layer .

  13. 通过制度的变更,中国广电传媒市场的潜在收益将会增加,潜在成本将会降低,相关的外部市场环境将得到较大改善。

    Through the system changes , the latent income of Chinese broadcasting media will be able to increase , the latent cost will be able to reduce , and the market environment will have a bigger improvement .

  14. 改革开放20多年来,中国广电传媒产业的市场化程度得到了很大的提升,产业化发展日趋成熟,体制不断完善。

    After recent more than 20 years , the Chinese broadcasting industry market has obtained a very big promotion , the industry has been mature day by day , and the broadcasting system has been consummating unceasingly .

  15. 根据上周一发布的一项通知,中国广电总局准备遏制正能量不足、价值观不正、审美情趣不高的社会类、娱乐类新闻报道。

    China 's broadcasting regulator is poised to curb social and entertainment news reporting that lacks " positive energy , " correct values , or high aesthetic value , according to a circular made public last Monday .

  16. 鉴于中国广电传媒特殊的生存状况&在很大程度上受制于政治体制,以及长期以来的惯性影响,决定了未来中国广电传媒的制度创新将是一个漫长的渐进过程。

    In view of the fact that the Chinese broadcasting media is in a special survival condition & restrained by the political system , as well as the inertia influence , the innovation of Chinese broadcasting media system in the future will be a long-time process .

  17. 随着传媒集团化的出现,中国广电业正式迈出了真正产业化竞争的第一步,产业化十年来,中国的广播电视业在发挥喉舌功能的同时,其经济经营属性越来越鲜明。

    With the conglomeration of media , Chinese broadcasting and TV industry has made the first step in real industrialization competition . In the ten years of industrialization , Chinese broadcasting and TV industry plays a crucial role and its economic nature is becoming increasingly obvious .

  18. 在长期计划经济体制下成长起来的中国广电行业,面对数字技术和市场经济构成的新环境,表现出思想、策略、技术、体制等多方面的缺陷,并且直接影响到数字有线电视的产业发展。

    Stepping into the new environment with digital technology and market economy , Chinese radio and television industry grown out of the long-term planned economic system , displays defects in thought , strategy , technology , system and so on , and directly affects the development of digital CATV industry .

  19. 该票房数据由中国国家广电总局周一公布,几乎达到本片1.5亿美元预算的一半,也证明尽管请一名好莱坞明星领衔一部中国影片存在争议,但赢得了国内观众的青睐。

    The figure , announced on Monday by the State Administration of Radio , Film and Television , represented nearly half the film 's $ 150m budget and proved that , despite some controversy over having a Hollywood star in the lead role in a Chinese film , it was a winner with domestic audiences .

  20. 李俊杰(音)6月份毕业于中国传媒大学广电新闻专业。

    Li Junjie graduated in June from Communication University of China , majoring in broadcast journalism . '

  21. 在刚刚过去的周末,中国国家新闻出版广电总局勒令优酷土豆(YoukuTudou)、搜狐(Sohu.comInc.)等视频网站下线多部热播剧,其中就包括美剧《傲骨贤妻》(TheGoodWife)和《生活大爆炸》(TheBigBangTheory)。

    Over the weekend Chinese authorities pulled from Youku Tudou , Inc. and other streaming websites a number of hits , including U.S. - made shows ' The Good Wife ' and ' The Big Bang Theory . '

  22. 新中国成立以来,广电系统作为新闻媒体的一个重要分支,在新闻传播和舆论监督方面的作用就一直被广泛关注。

    Since the founding of New China , radio and television system as an important branch of the news media in the dissemination of information and the role of public opinion who had been widespread concern .

  23. 文章先介绍了中国现阶段的广电集团化及其合理性与困难,再探讨了美国广播电视产业重组对中国广电业改革的借鉴意义与形成的挑战。

    The thesis introduces the rationality and difficulty of the current China 's broadcasting industry reform , then discusses the reference meaning and challenge of the regrouping of America 's broadcasting industry for China 's broadcasting industry reform .

  24. 2014年7月3日韩国文化体育观光部与中国国家新闻出版广电总局在韩国正式签署了《中韩电影合拍协议》。

    China and South Korea have signed a film co-production agreement on 3 July , 2014 . The deal was signed by director of the State Administration of Film Radio and television ( SARFT ) , and South Korea 's minister of culture .

  25. 2009年,中国电信企业总收入为8142亿,而中国广电总收入只有1960亿。

    In 2009 , the total incomes of Telecom enterprises are RMB 814.2 Billion , but Broadcast and Television enterprises only 196 Billion .

  26. 中国每年唯一能参加奥斯卡最佳外语片奖评选的影片是由中国国家新闻出版广电总局挑选的。

    Each year , China 's sole entry for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film is selected by the State Administration of Press , Publication , Radio , Film and Television , which regulates the Chinese film industry .