
  1. 中韩建交与朝鲜半岛&纪念中韩建交10周年

    The Establishment of China-ROK Diplomatic Relations and the Korean Peninsula

  2. 中韩建交及对朝鲜半岛局势的影响(1992&2001)

    China and South Korea s Establishing Diplomatic Relation and the Influence to Korean Peninsula Pattern ;

  3. 特别是1992年8月中韩建交以后,韩国学研究呈现出日新月异的景象:研究机构竞相成立;

    Particularly since the establishment of Sino-Korean diplomatic relations in August 1992 , they have undergone leaps and bounds : Research institutions have mushroomed ;

  4. 中韩建交对国际格局尤其是对朝鲜半岛局势影响巨大,意义非凡。它打破了冷战以来所形成的中韩两国对峙局面,有利于朝鲜半岛紧张局势的进一步缓和。

    It was great influence to the international pattern , especially the Korean Peninsula that China and South Korea have established the diplomatic relation .

  5. 自中韩建交以来,两国经贸合作密切,中韩互为重要的贸易伙伴。

    Since China and Korea established diplomatic relations , bilateral economic and trade cooperation become more close , China and Korea are important trading partners .

  6. 中韩建交13年来,两国关系在各个领域均取得了飞速发展。

    Since China and Korea have established diplomatic relations for 13 years , relations of both countries all have obtained the rapid development in each domain .

  7. 1992年中韩建交以来,在韩及来华的汉语学习者如雨后春笋,逐年增加。

    1992 years of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea since , in Korea and Chinese learners in China have mushroomed , increases year by year .

  8. 自1992年中韩建交以来,赴华旅游的韩国游客数量保持快速、稳定的增长。

    Since the diplomatic relationship between the two countries was established in 1992 , there has been a rapid and steady increase in the number of tourist from Korea into China .

  9. 在1992年中韩建交至今的10多年间,黑龙江省与韩国的贸易合作水平不断提升。

    South Korea and China have established diplomatic relations for more than ten years since 1992 , and the cooperative standard of trade between Heilongjiang Province and South Korea is constantly promoted .

  10. 中国外交政策的调整(尤其是中韩建交),使得中朝关系受到前所未有的冲击,一度陷入冰点。

    The adjustment of China foreign policy especially about the Sino-South Korean establishing diplomatic relations , unprecedentedly impacted the Sino-North Korean relations , even which was once fallen into the freezing point .

  11. 自从1992年8月24日中韩建交以来,特别是1998年全球金融危机后,上海出现了越来越多的韩国人。

    After China and South Korea establishing diplomatic relationship in August , 24,1992 , there emerges many South Korean in Shanghai from then on , especially since the 1998 global economic crisis .

  12. 中韩建交10周来两国在各个领域的交流与合作都取得了很大的发展,特别是经济合作更令人瞩目。

    China and South Korea have been greatly developed in exchange and cooperation of various fields since they established diplomatic relations 10 years ago , especially economic trade cooperation is even more eye-catching .

  13. 中韩建交以后,两国在经济、文化等多方面的交流有了很大的发展,在韩国逐渐出现了汉语热的现象。

    After China and South Korea established diplomatic relations , two countries have get great development in economy 、 culture and so on various communication . Gradually In South Korea have appeared Chinese hot phenomenon .

  14. 1992年中韩建交转变了东亚历史的发展方向,同时成为增进中韩两国经济文化交流的踏板。

    South Korea-China relationship , formed in 1992 , has changed the stream of East Asian history and also served as a base for the improvement of the two nations ' economic and cultural exchanges .

  15. 伴随着改革开放的春风与中韩建交的不断深入,我国的民族教育事业也随之发生了翻天覆地的变化。

    Along with the spring breeze of reform and opening up and the continuous deepening of China and South Korea established diplomatic relations , our national education has had the change in turn the world upside down .

  16. 在改革开放和中韩建交之后,朝鲜族人口开始从东北三省流动到关内和国外。

    After reform and opening-up and the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and South Korea , the Chinese Korean people began to migrate from the three northeast provinces to the south and the west of shanhaiguan pass and abroad .

  17. 冷战后中韩建交,两国结成了较为密切的战略伙伴关系,并在经济、政治、文化、体育等诸多领域展开了广泛的交流与合作。

    After the Cold War , China and South Korea established diplomatic relations , and then the two formed a closer strategic partnership , and carried out extensive exchanges and cooperation in economy , politics , culture , sports and many other fields .

  18. 特别是中韩建交后,国内朝鲜族由于文化、语言、风俗习惯相近的特点,通过探亲、劳务等形式大量流入韩国,使得朝鲜族的民族认同面临新的问题。

    Especially China and South Korea established diplomatic relations , because the domestic Korean culture , language , customs similar characteristics , through the visit , South Korean labor and other forms of inflows , making the Korean national identity is facing new problems .

  19. 随着冷战结束,中韩建交,中国与朝鲜半岛国家整体实现了关系正常化,为我们进行中国特色社会主义建设创造了良好的周边环境。

    Finished along with the cold war , China and South Korea established diplomatic relations , Chinese and the Korean Peninsula country whole has realized the normalization of relation , carried on the Chinese characteristic socialist construction for us to create the good peripheral environment .

  20. 1992年中韩建交以来,中国的韩国学研究逐步升温,韩国独立运动史成为韩国学研究的重要课题之一,涌现出一大批韩国学研究学者和韩国研究中心。

    Since China and South Korea established diplomatic relation in 1992 , Korean research in China has been intensified progressively ; the history of Korean independence movement became one of the important subjects of Korean research , emerging in large quantities of Korea study researchers and Korean research centers .

  21. 中韩两国建交已经近20年了。

    China and South Korea have established diplomatic relations for nearly 20 years .

  22. 自1992年中韩两国建交起,韩资企业便在延吉投资。

    Since 1992 , China and Korean established diplomatic relations , Korean enterprises started to invest in YanJi .

  23. 中韩自建交以来经贸合作获得了长足发展,青岛作为中国对外贸易的前沿城市,与韩国有着较密切的贸易关系。

    The economic and trade cooperation has achieved great development between China and South Korea since the establishment of diplomatic relations .

  24. 到了现代,中韩两国建交以后,双方在在政治、经济、社会、文化等各个领域的关系都取得了快速发展。

    In modern , after the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Korea , they have rapid development in the relationship of political , economic , cultural and the other field .

  25. 中韩两国自建交以来,双边贸易以前所未有的速度取得了巨大的发展,经贸联系日益密切。

    Trade between China and South Korea has developed at an unprecedented speed ever since the two countries established diplomatic ties .

  26. 中韩两国自建交以来,经贸关系发展迅速,两国之间的农产品贸易也保持了高速的增长趋势。

    Since China and Korea established diplomatic relations , commercial trades , as well as agricultural product trade have sustained uptrend development rapidly .

  27. 自1992年8月中韩两国正式建交以来,贸易形式从间接贸易转为直接贸易,贸易额迅速增加。

    Since China and South Korea established formal diplomatic relations in August 1992 , their form of trading went from indirect to direct trading , which led to a increased volume of cooperations between these two countries .

  28. 中韩两国关系自建交后往来不断,很快构筑了战略合作伙伴关系。这对两国安全、政治合作以及经济发展等方面起到了积极的推动作用。

    Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea , the relationship developed constantly . And build a strategic partnership soon , which has played a positive role in promoting security , political cooperation and economic development .