
  1. 第三、第四部分主要是分析在战争时期复杂的国际关系对中国货币政策和中国的中央银行制度产生的各种影响。

    The third & fourth parts analyses the influence which the international relations gave to the monetary policy of China and central bank system .

  2. 中央银行体制自产生以来,各国中央银行无不在强化中央银行的卓然地位,追求中央银行的独立性。

    Since the emergence of the central bank system , the central bank of every country has been strengthening its supreme position by pursuing independence .

  3. 正是这些特有的属性使得电子货币对中央银行货币供求体系产生一系列的影响。

    It is these specific features that make it possible for e-money to exert influence upon on the money supply and demand system of the central bank .

  4. 货币政策传导机制是指由中央银行信号变化而产生的脉冲所引起的经济过程中各中介变量的连锁反应,并最终引起实体经济变量变化的途径。

    The monetary transmission mechanism can be defined as the chain reaction of medi-variables to the changed signs of central bank , which finally results in the changes of real economy .

  5. 我国的金融信用环境恶化已对国内银行商业化运营机制的建立和中央银行的宏观调控产生了消极影响。

    The bad financial credit environment in our country has exerted negative influence upon the Chinese Commercial Banks in establishing their mechanism of operation and the macro control by the National Central Bank .