
  • 网络China South Korea relations;sino-korean relations;china-korea relationship
  1. 俄韩经济合作的现状与前景日俄战争对近代中韩关系的影响

    ROK-RUSSIAN ECONOMIC COOPERATION : CURRENT SITUATION AND PROSPECT The Impact of the Russo-Japanese War on Sino-Korean Relations

  2. 中韩关系史上的重要一页&战后天津暨华北韩侨的集中管理与遣返

    An Important Page in the History of Sino-Korean Relations : The Centralized Management and Repatriation of Koreans in Tianjin and North China after the Resistance War against Japan

  3. 当前,中韩关系正面临大发展的机遇,给两国关系发展注入新动力是双方面临的共同课题,也是我这次访问的主要任务。

    China-South Korea relations are facing an opportunity of great development . To inject fresh impetus ties is an issue for both countries and a major task of my trip .

  4. 上周一,中国最大的电商平台淘宝网及其母公司阿里巴巴集团上的商家否认了由于中韩关系恶化,在G20峰会期间淘宝上禁止出现韩国商品和韩国艺人名字的谣言。

    Vendors from China 's largest e-commerce platform , Taobao , and its parent company the Alibaba Group last Monday denied rumors that K-pop merchandise and Korean celebrities ' names are banned from appearing on the platform during the G20 summit amid soured China-South Korea ties .

  5. 文化外交与中韩关系中的文化因素

    Cultural Diplomacy and the Cultural Factor between China and S. Korea

  6. 此访对发展中韩关系有何意义?

    What is the significance of this visit to the China-ROK relations ?

  7. 中韩关系及其对东北亚局势的影响

    Chinese and Korea relations and its influence over Northeast Asia

  8. 卢武铉的和平繁荣政策及其对中韩关系的影响

    Roh Moo-hyun 's Peace-prosperity Policy and Its Impact on Sino-South Korea Relations

  9. 中国在中日关系和中韩关系中应采取分别对待和积极应对的政策。

    China should adopt active policies dealing with the relations of Sino-Japanese and Sino-Korea respectively .

  10. 中韩关系发展的前景是极其光明的,但也不能忽视可能影响中韩关系继续发展的问题。

    The prospect of China-ROK relationship will be bright , but the barriers should not be ignored .

  11. 但是,在中韩关系迅速发展的同时,我们也应该看到,两国文化交流过程中存在一些亟待解决的问题。

    However , there are some questions to be settled urgently as Sino-South Korea relationship has developed rapidly at the same time .

  12. 自冷战以来,由于国际局势的纷繁变幻,中韩关系也经历了巨大的转变。

    Since the Cold War , China-South Korea relations have also undergone tremendous changes because of the complicated and changing international situation .

  13. 韩国延世大学中国问题专家韩硕熙表示,美韩和中韩关系可以相互加强。

    Han Sukhee , a China specialist at Seoul 's Yonsei University , says the two relationships can mutually reinforce each other .

  14. 它不仅是朝鲜近代史上的一件大事,也是中韩关系史的一个重大转折点。

    It is not only an important event on Korean modern history , but also the the turning point of the history of Sino-Korea relationship .

  15. 对中韩关系的发展障碍,绝大部分的同学认为来自于韩国部分民间团体的别有用心。

    While for the Barriers between China and Korea , most of students think that parts of the non-governmental organizations of south Korea have Ulterior motives .

  16. 冷战后的中韩关系研究中韩经贸交流史研究

    The Research on the Sino-ROK Relations in the Post-Cold War Era The Study about the History of Economy and Trade 's Interflow between China and Korea

  17. 然而,中韩关系转暖是一个难得的迹象,令人对朝鲜半岛局势好转产生期盼。

    However , a warmer relationship between China and South Korea is a rare hopeful sign that the situation on the Korean peninsula may be amenable to improvement .

  18. 明清鼎革一直是我国历史研究中的重要课题,在中韩关系史研究中亦占据着特殊地位。

    The dynastic change from Ming to Qing is one of the most important topics in historic studies in China and abroad . It also takes a special role in the research field of history of Sino-Korean relationship .

  19. 中韩经济关系的迅速发展,是诸多有利因素共同推动的结果。

    Many advantageous factors promoted the rapid development of Sino-Korean economic relations .

  20. 中韩两国关系必定会有长足发展。

    The relationship between China and South Korea must be developed very closed .

  21. 中韩经贸关系的发展趋势(2002-2010年)

    The Developing Tendency of Economy and Trade Relation Between China and Korea ( 2002-2010 );

  22. 但是,在发展中韩经济关系的过程中,也存在诸多不利因素。

    But , there were many unfavorable factors in the development of Sino-Korean economic relations .

  23. 诸多不利因素一起制约着中韩经济关系的顺利发展。

    Many unfavorable factors restricted the smooth development of the two countries ' economic relations .

  24. 政治上:东北亚局势的缓和为中韩经济关系的发展提供了良好的外部条件;

    Politically , the detente of Northeast Asia 's situation offered good exterior condition for Sino-Korean economic relations .

  25. 第二方面是中韩投资关系,主要研究了中韩投资关系的特征、存在的问题及未来趋向。

    Second , the authors studies on the characteristics , existing problems and future trend of Sino-Korea investment relation ;

  26. 美国因素和朝鲜因素在某种程度上对中韩经济关系的发展起了一定的制约作用。

    In some degree , U.S. and North Korea deliberately restricted the development of the two countries ' economic relations .

  27. 中国独立自主和平外交政策与韩国北方外交政策的提出和实施为中韩经济关系的启动提供了最基本的前提;

    China 's confident independent peaceful foreign policy and Korea 's " Northern Policy " offered the most fundamental premise .

  28. 中韩经贸关系的发展现状及前景展望汉语把字句在韩语中的对应关系研究

    The Development and Prospect of Economy and Trade Relations Between China and South Korea Ba-sentences in Chinese and Their Counterparts in Korean

  29. 在文化上同属儒家文化圈,中韩两国关系有着悠久的历史。然而,冷战时期,受超级大国、意识形态等因素的影响,中韩两国曾一度终止往来。

    However , S.Korea had cut out its relations with China during the Cold War due to the influence of Superpower and ideology .

  30. 在中韩经贸关系迅速发展的背景下,电子信息产业已成为双边贸易焦点之一。

    Based on the rapid development of Sina-Korea trade and economic relations , the electronic information industry has become a focus in the bilateral commerce relationship .