
  • 网络Lee Hoi-chang;lee hoi chang
  1. 李会昌将自己描述为在今年竞选中一位“真正的”保守派。

    Lee Hoi-chang portrays himself as the " real " conservative in this years 's race .

  2. 但是,上月,当李明博受到造假和操纵股票价格的言论的威胁时,李会昌宣布自己是独立的候选人。

    However , Lee Hoi-chang announced his independent candidacy last month , when Lee Myung-bak was threatened by allegations of fraud and stock price manipulation .

  3. 并不引起意外的,北朝鲜官方媒体迅速回击,称李会昌是“人渣”和其它一些形象的名字。

    Not surprisingly , North Korea 's official media has lashed out , calling Lee " human scum " and other vivid names .