
  1. 2009年5月5日下午,外交部发言人马朝旭主持例行记者会。就甲型H1N1流感疫情有关涉外问题等答记者问。

    On the afternoon of May5,2009 , Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ma Zhaoxu held a regular press conference and answered questions on issues concerning influenza A H1N1 , and etc.

  2. 马朝旭:女士们,先生们,大家下午好!

    Ma Zhaoxu : Good Afternoon , Ladies and Gentlemen .

  3. 外交部发言人马朝旭本周三发表申明。

    Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu made the announcement here on Thursday .

  4. 马朝旭说,“杨部长强调互联网在中国是开放且活跃的”。

    " Yang stressed that Internet in China is open and active ," said Ma .

  5. “杨部长表示,促进互联网发展正是我们的一贯政策”,马朝旭表示。

    " Yang said promoting the development of the Internet is our consistent policy ," said Ma .

  6. 马朝旭毕业于北京大学国际经济专业,之后于1987年进入了外交部工作。

    After graduating from Peking University with a degree in international relations , Ma joined the ministry in1987 .

  7. 马朝旭称,中美两国共同肩负着世界和平与发展的重任。

    Ma says the two countries shoulder a common responsibility for the peace and development of the world .

  8. 马朝旭说中国一贯秉承公正客观的态度审视和处理国际性和区域性事件。

    Ma said China has always viewed and dealt with international and regional affairs in a fair and objective manner .

  9. 马朝旭说钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿自古以来就是中国的固有领土。

    Ma said the Diaoyu Islands are , and have been since ancient times , an integral part of Chinese territory .

  10. 中国外交部部长助理马朝旭表示,中方希望在此次会晤上与巴西、印度和南非加强金融合作。

    The Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu says the purpose there is to boost financial co-operation with Brazil , India and South Africa .

  11. 马朝旭表示,新冠病毒溯源是一个复杂的科学问题,应该也只能由全球科学家合作开展研究。

    Ma says tracing the COVID-19 virus is a complex scientific matter that should only be undertaken by scientists around the world through joint research .

  12. 马朝旭补充表示,中方一直本着负责任态度全面、认真、准确执行安理会对苏丹制裁决议。

    Mr Ma added that China had always maintained a responsible attitude of fully , conscientiously and precisely enforcing the Security Council resolutions on Sudan .

  13. 中国外交部副部长马朝旭表示,中国一直支持以科学为基础的溯源工作,并将继续保持积极参与。

    Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu says China has been supporting science-based efforts on origins tracing , and will continue to stay actively engaged .

  14. 外交部发言人马朝旭在新闻发布会上表示:钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿自古就是中国的固有领土。

    The Diaoyu Islands and adjacent islets had been Chinese territories since ancient times , Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu said in a press release .

  15. 中国外交部副部长马朝旭还表示,中国将会投桃报李,向其他国家提供援助抗击新冠病毒。

    Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu also says China will provide assistance to other countries combating the virus in the same way it has received support .

  16. 在六国会话期间,中国外交部部长助理马朝旭应约会见伊朗最高国家安全委员会副秘书阿里·巴盖里。

    Chinese assistant foreign minister Ma Zhaoxu has met with Ali Baqeri , deputy secretary of Iran 's Supreme National Security Council , ahead of the talks .

  17. 马朝旭指出,中国政府与日本政府一直对钓鱼岛问题存在争议,中国政府向来主张通过和平谈判的方式解决此问题。

    China and Japan disputed sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands , and China has consistently advocated that the issue should be properly resolved through negotiation , said Ma .

  18. 马朝旭另外表示中方已向“过渡委”通报这一决定。利比亚“过渡委”表示利比亚人民和“过渡委”都对中方的决定深感高兴,并期盼已久。

    China has told the NTC of its decision and the NTC leadership said they are " delighted with the result that has long been expected ," Ma said .

  19. “中国主张通过加强国际合作严厉反对黑客攻击,以依法保护网络发全与网民隐私”,马朝旭说。

    " China advocates severely fighting against hacking through beefing up international cooperation , so as to protect Internet safety and citizens'privacy in accordance with the law ," Ma said .

  20. 马朝旭补充说,中国有自己的国内形势和文化传统,并且中国依法并根据政策对互联网进行监管也符合世界的惯例。

    Ma added that China has its own domestic situation and cultural tradition , and it accords with the world 's common practice that China regulates the Internet according to its laws and policies .

  21. 马朝旭援引利比亚过渡委负责人的发言表示,过渡委高度重视中方的重要地位和作用,将切实遵守双方此前签署的各项条约和协议,并坚定奉行一个中国的政策。

    The NTC attaches great importance to China 's status and role , and will strictly abide by all existing treaties and agreements , and firmly adhere to the one-China policy , Ma said , citing a representative of the NTC leadership .