
  • 网络malik;TERRENCE MALICK;Fredmund Malik;Om Malik;Marik
  1. 但之后,我读到DaringFireball博主格鲁伯(JohnGruber)和Gigaom创始人马利克(OmMalik)对米姆斯观点的反驳。

    But then I read a couple of rebuttals to Mims by Daring Fireball 's John Gruber and Om Malik , of Gigaom .

  2. 此案所涉的这部手机曾被赛义德•里兹万•法鲁克(SyedRizwanFarook)使用。去年12月,他与妻子塔什费恩•马利克(TashfeenMalik)在加州圣贝纳迪诺杀害了14个人。

    The device in question was used by Syed Rizwan Farook , who along with his wife Tashfeen Malik killed 14 people in San Bernardino , California , last December .

  3. 一名法官上星期说,苹果公司必须提供一种软件,使联邦调查局得以破解法鲁克的iPhone密码。去年,法鲁克和他的妻子马利克在加利福尼亚州的圣巴尔纳迪奥杀害了14人。

    A magistrate judge said last week Apple must provide software to allow the Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ) to guess the password on an iPhone given to Syed Rizwan Farook by his employer before he and his wife Tafsheen Malik killed 14 people in San Bernardino , California last year .

  4. 天气太热了,大家都不愿意走路,也没人愿意开车遇到拥堵,然后还要找停车位,在扎马利克为Costa咖啡送货的沙迪•艾哈迈德(ShadyAhmed)说,扎马利克是开罗一个繁华的地带。

    It is too hot for anyone to walk , and no one wants to drive through a traffic jam and then have to look for a parking spot , said Shady Ahmed , who delivers for Costa Coffee in Zamalek , an affluent Cairo neighborhood .

  5. 马利克说,狙杀我的计划是在阿富汗被策划出来的。

    Malik claimed the plan to shoot me was hatched in Afghanistan .

  6. 吉伯莱由女婿纽约记者马利克陪同返国。

    Jeebleh is accompanied by his son-in-law , Malik , a New York journalist .

  7. 安娜给马利克下了一剂重份量的麻药,然后将他所有的牙齿拔掉。

    She gave him a heavy dose of anaesthetic and plucked his teeth out .

  8. 马利克教授被认为是21世纪管理和管理教育最重要的思想家。

    Prof Malik is regarded as one of the most important thinkers in the21st century management science and education .

  9. 内政部长马利克说,至少有25人在爆炸中丧生,约50人受伤。

    At least 25 people were killed in the blast and about 50 others wounded , Interior Minister Rehman Malik said .

  10. 马利克于3月退出单向乐队。他表示,经过五年的巡回表演,想回到正常人的生活。

    Malik quit the band last month , saying he wanted to live a normal life after five years of touring and performing .

  11. 巴基斯坦内政部长马利克说,目前这一地区还有3000名武装激进分子。

    The head of the federal Interior Ministry , Rehman Malik , says that as many as 3000 armed militants are present in the area .

  12. 马利克补充称,在迪拜发表上述声明之前,由旅游、贸易和金融推动的该国经济,明年面临130亿美元的偿债义务。

    Before this announcement , the emirate 's tourism , trade and finance driven economy was facing $ 13bn in repayments next year , she added .

  13. 他们的故事交杂着马利克的哥哥阿里的故事,阿里正在沿海的邦特兰自治区寻找他离家出走的继子塔克斯里伊尔。

    Their story alternates with that of Malik 's brother , Ahl , who is searching in the autonomous coastal region of Puntland for his runaway stepson , Taxliil .

  14. 马利克星期五在白沙瓦举行的一个新闻发布会上说,绝大部分激进分子来自外国,包括阿富汗、中亚国家和一些阿拉伯国家。

    Mr. Malik told a news conference in Peshawar Friday that the majority of the militants are foreigners , including nationals from Afghanistan , Central Asia and some Arab countries .

  15. 之后,她用绷带包扎住他的头部和下巴,以防他张嘴说话。安娜还告知马利克,手术后出现了并发症,他需要去找一个专家医师看看。

    She then wrapped his head and jaw in a bandage to stop him opening his mouth and said there had been complications and he would need to see a specialist .

  16. 马利克表示,自杀式爆炸者身穿安全人员服装,因此他要求使用厕所时被允许进入世界粮食计划署。

    Malik said the bomber had been dressed as a member of the security forces and was allowed into the World Food Program compound when he asked to use the toilet .

  17. 英国宇宙学家史蒂芬·霍金给伤心欲绝的歌迷们的建议是遵循理论物理,因为马利克很可能在另外一个宇宙仍然是单向乐队的成员。

    The advice of British cosmologist Stephen Hawking to heartbroken fans is to follow theoretical physics , because Malik may well still be a member of the pop group in another universe .

  18. 在这个过程中,马利克指出,在其中细分激酶抑制剂是抑制小鼠的遗传变化有一个从患肠癌的风险大大降低。

    In the process , Malek noted that mice in which the breakdown of the kinase inhibitor was suppressed by genetic change have a significantly lower risk of suffering from intestinal cancer .

  19. 马利克当时坚称,两人之所以没有界定恋情,是因为“他们是成年人”,但他们在2018年6月看起来非常“投入”。

    Malik insisted at the time that the two weren 't defining the relationship because " they 're adults , " but they looked very much " on " in June 2018 .

  20. 马利克等业余博客写手成为创业者纯属意外,但其它人,如阿林顿,则是受到这一媒介商业潜力的吸引才加入的。

    While amateur bloggers such as Mr Malik become accidental entrepreneurs , others , such as Mr & # 8201 ; Arrington , have been drawn to the medium from the start by its commercial potential .

  21. 嘿,我很高兴你喜欢泽恩•马利克的最新专辑(其实我并不关心),但你一定得外放吗?

    Look , I 'm happy you 've discovered Zayn Malik 's latest album ( I actually don 't care ) , but do you really have to listen to it on your phone without wearing headphones ?

  22. 部落区是在英属时期划出的,作为阿富汗和当时印度的缓冲地带,印度也以相同的方法管理这里,管理者是部落的酋长和长老,又称马利克。

    The tribal agencies were created in British times as a buffer zone between Afghanistan and what was then India , and they are still run in the same way , administered by tribal chiefs or elders known as maliks .

  23. 联邦内政部长马利克对记者说,激进分子别无选择只能投降。因为政府决心“要么打死他们,要么逮捕他们”。他重申巴基斯坦没有和塔利班激进分子进行和谈的计划。

    Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik told reporters that militants have no option but surrender because the government is determined to " either kill them or arrest them . " He reiterated that Pakistan does not plan to hold peace talks with Taliban militants .