
  • 网络MADRAS;Chennai;MAA
  1. 他是个来自马德拉斯的穷学生,凭自身的才华上了剑桥。

    He was a poor student from Madras whose genius took him to Cambridge

  2. 这起案件将于1月29日在印度马德拉斯开庭审理。

    The court case is scheduled for29 January in Madras .

  3. 我住在海兹恩达梅里达旅馆(HaciendaMérida),是个农场/咖啡加工厂改造成的生态旅馆,位于马德拉斯火山国家公园(VolcanMaderasNationalPark)里面。

    I was staying at Hacienda M é rida , aformer farm / coffee-processing plant-turned-ecolodge located inVolcan MaderasNational Park .

  4. 金奈过去叫马德拉斯(Madras),位于印度泰米尔纳德邦(TamilNadu),长期以来被视为通向南印度大热旅游区喀拉拉邦(Kerala)的大门,其本身的吸引力却被低估。

    Chennai , in the state of Tamil Nadu ( and formerly known as Madras ) , was long considered the gateway to popular South Indian tourist destinations like Kerala but was overlooked as an attraction itself .

  5. 但是没办法,他们只能咬着嘴唇,搭船回到印度马德拉斯。

    They had to bite their lips and sail away to Madras .

  6. 异经马德拉斯狭条衬衫布鲍勃的球队穿蓝色体恤衫和蓝色短裤。

    Bob 's team has blue T-shirts and blue shorts .

  7. 我在马德拉斯开了间小小烟草店。

    I had a small tobacco shop in madras .

  8. 班加罗尔和孟买附近的南印度的马德拉斯也已经进入戒备状态。

    Bangalore , and southern Indian 's Madras near Mumbai , have also been put on alert .

  9. 旅馆的背景是奥梅特佩岛的马德拉斯死火山,山顶映衬着绵延起伏的雨林。

    Ometepe 's extinct volcano , Maderas , with itsjagged rainforest-covered peak , formed the lodge 's backdrop .

  10. 还有一位艾塞儿·萨拉·斯托尼,就是艾伦的母亲,她于1881年11月18日,出生于印度马德拉斯省的博德努尔。

    Alan 's mother , Ethel Sara Stoney , was born at Podanur , Madras , on 18 November 1881 .

  11. 同样没逃过我眼睛的是:她是印度人,生于印度马德拉斯(现在叫做晨奈)。

    Nor has it escaped my attention that she is Indian , born in what was then Madras ( now Chennai ) .

  12. 我亲爱的克莱米,你从马德拉斯寄来的信中写道让你的人生更为丰富,这些话对我来说太珍贵了。

    My darling Clemmie , in your letter from Madras you wrote some words very dear to me , about having enriched your life .

  13. 似乎紧跟着将要有查尔斯顿和新奥尔良,马德拉斯,孟买和加尔各答的挥汗如雨的居民,在我的井中饮水。

    Thus it appears that the sweltering inhabitants of Charleston and New Orleans , of Madras and Bombay and Calcutta , drink at my well .

  14. 当我踏上马德拉斯火山旁边蜿蜒的雨林小路时,我发现了一群吼猴,在树枝间穿梭,相互私语。

    As I set out on the rainforest path that runs up the sideof Maderas , I spotted a group of howler monkeys , chattering among themselves asthey swung through the branches .

  15. 而我最后去的一次印度是一个叫马德拉斯的城市,它是泰米尔邦的首府(在这个洲里面泰米尔人也是占绝大部分)。

    When I finally stepped on Indian soil , it was in the city of Madras , the capital of Tamil Nadu ( the state where Tamils are also the majority ) .

  16. 朱利叶斯利用职务之便,带着他们在马德拉斯好好玩了一顿,他们去了帕瓦蒂普然,维萨卡帕特南,安南塔普,博兹瓦达,奇卡克尔,卡努尔,在1911年3月,他们来到了查塔布尔。

    Mr Turing 's postings then took them on long travels around Madras : to Parvatipuram , Vizigapatam , Anantapur , Bezwada , Chicacole , Kurnool and Chatrapur , where they arrived in March 1911 .

  17. 机场官方还要加长马德拉斯机场西端的辅助跑道,年底该跑道将增加152米。

    The airport authority also has in hand a project for the secondary runway at the western end of Madras airport . It plans to extend this by 152m before the end of this year .

  18. 在印度,爱德华平步青云,攒下一笔非常可观的财富,成为马德拉斯铁路的首席工程师,负责建设唐各布达拉桥,还发明斯托尼无声涡轮。爱德华头脑精明,脾气却很糟糕。

    There he amassed a considerable fortune , becoming chief engineer of the Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway , responsible for the construction of the Tangabudra bridge , and the invention of Stoney 's Patent Silent Punkah-Wheel .

  19. 金奈:80岁Somasundaram试图在三审中逃脱终身监禁,马德拉斯最高法院驳回他的请求并拒绝其回到一审法庭重新审判

    Chennai : Eighty-year-old Somasundaram 's bid to escape life imprisonment in a triple rape case has failed as the Madras high court dismissed his appeal and refused to send him back to the trial court for re-hearing .

  20. 他最终接受真理并受洗归入主名下,同年(1969年)把福音带回印度,开始在印度的马德拉斯传扬真理。

    He accepted the truth and was baptized . Thereafter , he brought the gospel back to India in the same year ( 1969 ) . He started to spread the truth in India around Madras ( Chennai ) .

  21. 1896年7月,复试的前7名被调到印度的马德拉斯省,朱利叶斯随之走马上任了。这个省覆盖了印度南方的大半疆域,朱利叶斯在此就任民政事务官。

    He was posted to the administration of the Presidency of Madras , which included most of southern India , reporting for duty on 7 December 1896 , the senior in rank of seven new recruits to that province .

  22. 图灵先生是1926年7月12日辞职的,他走了之后,马德拉斯仍然照常发展,但他自己的经济状况却完全不同了。

    Technically , Mr Turing did not resign until 12 July 1926 , and in the meantime he was on leave , the development of Madras somehow continuing without him . But he lost no time in establishing a new sense of economy .

  23. 1921年5月,朱利叶斯.图灵被提拔为马德拉斯政府发展部副部长,负责农业和商业。12月,他回到英国,全家一起去圣摩瑞兹过冬,艾伦在这里学会了滑雪。然后,艾伦该去上学了,可是圣迈克尔学校却不要他。

    Mr Turing , who in May 1921 had again been promoted to be Secretary to the Madras Government Development Department , responsible for agriculture and commerce throughout the Presidency , returned once more in December and they all went to St Moritz , where Alan learnt to ski .

  24. 有一个例子足以体现这一点,那时候他在马德拉斯,做威灵顿的首席助理,有时候他们意见不同,我父亲就会说:「你记住,你不是印度的老大!」这种严重的找麻烦的话,实在是让人没法接受。

    One example will suffice . For a while he acted as principal private secretary to mild Lord Willingdon in the Madras Presidency and when a difference of opinion developed between them my father remarked ' After all you are not the Government of India ' . Such thumping , suicidal indiscretion one can but admire from a safe distance .