
zhōng jiān
  • nucleus;hard core;spark plug;backbone
中坚 [zhōng jiān]
  • [hard core;backbone] 古时指军队中最精锐的部分,现指集体中最有力的并起较大作用的成分

  • 光武乃与敢死者三千人,冲其中坚。--《后汉书.光武帝纪》

  • 中间力量

中坚[zhōng jiān]
  1. 当代中学生是21世纪知识经济时代的主流与中坚。

    Middle school students are mainstream and nucleus in the knowledge economic world in21stcentury .

  2. 青年女性作为流行市场的中坚力量,通常在追求流行美的同时忽略了健康。

    The young female , as the nucleus of the fashion follower , usually ignore their healthy in pursuit of pop fashion .

  3. 即使在今天,勤劳有用的人也还会被称为"中坚分子"。

    Even today , the hard working useful people are described as " the salt of the earth " .

  4. 全面建设社会主义现代化国家,必须坚持科技为先,发挥科技创新的关键和中坚作用。

    China is comprehensively building itself into a modern socialist innovation to play a key and crucial role in the process .

  5. thesaltoftheearth社会精英,社会中坚,高尚的人至少在这个镇上,他们被认为是高尚的人。

    In this town , at least , they are regarded as the salt of the earth .

  6. 而正是美国风险资本资助的高科技中小企业成为了美国高新技术产业的中坚。因此,可以毫不夸张地说,风险投资(venturecapital)支撑起了美国的新经济。

    It is high-tech industry that creates the New Economy in the U.S. Medium and small-sized enterprises financed by venture capital constitute the core of high technology intensive industry .

  7. 这其中的第一个中坚力量将是基金会现场总线高速以太网(HSE)的实施。

    The first of these backbones will be the Fieldbus Foundation 's High Speed Ethernet ( HSE ) implementation .

  8. 本文采用问卷调查法、SWOT分析方法等多种研究方法,分析了新生代农民成为新农村建设中坚力量的优势与机会、劣势与威胁。

    This questionnaire was used , SWOT analysis to analyze the new generation of farmers as the backbone of rural development advantages and opportunities , weaknesses and threats .

  9. 美国总统奥巴马(BarackObama)带着向拉美邻国示好的决心出席美洲峰会,而在峰会结束时,他也收获了两大反美中坚国家的良好反馈。

    President Barack Obama came to the Summit of the Americas determined to reach out to his Latin American neighbors , and he departed with two of the most antagonistic having reached back .

  10. 中层管理干部作为SG公司的中坚力量,他们能力和素质的提升直接关系着SG公司宏伟目标的实现。

    Middle management cadre as SG backbone of the company , their abilities and enhance the quality of a direct relationship with the grand goal of the SG Company .

  11. 这位v-ray肯定是个中坚分子。

    So this v-ray 's got to be pretty hardcore .

  12. 美国最大消费者电子产品零售商百思买(bestbuy)将收购音乐下载服务提供商napster,此举旨在使自己成为全球移动设备和数字服务市场的中坚力量。

    Best buy , the largest US consumer electronics retailer , is to acquire Napster , the music download provider , as it seeks to establish itself as a significant force in the global market for mobile devices and digital services .

  13. 现在的硬盘已经是个人计算机的标准配置,并逐渐成为存储介质的中坚力量,但是个人计算机上使用的IDE接口控制器难以直接使用在其它设备上。

    The present hard disk is a standard configuration of the personal computer , and becomes the core of storage medium gradually . But IDE interface controller used on the personal computer is difficult to use on other apparatus directly .

  14. 企业的中层管理人员是企业的中坚力量,SZ集团快速扩张的规模和业务领域需要大量称职的中层管理人员来支撑。

    The middle management is the main power of the company , and SZ is in need for them to satisfy the requirements of the high-speed growing and the continuing expanding of business fields .

  15. 因而十七年叙事诗创作的中坚是新诗人。

    So the backbone of Seventeen-year narrative poems is new poets .

  16. 他们自认为是社会中坚。

    They think of themselves as the salt of the earth .

  17. 他是社会的中坚人物(非常正派的人)。

    E.g.A lot of people in shipbuilding will get the axe .

  18. 他们那些人是社会中坚。

    They 're the salt of the earth , those people .

  19. 游击手是我们棒球队的中坚。

    The shortstop is the spark plug of our baseball team .

  20. 在培养跨世纪人才中,他们是中坚力量。

    They are the core force in cultivating cross-century talents .

  21. 社区工作者是社区建设发展中不可或缺的中坚力量。

    Community workers play core roles in the development of a community .

  22. 李惠善是中国朝鲜族作家中起着中坚作用的作家。

    Lihuishan is a key writer in the Chinese-Korean literature .

  23. 像巴托和玛丽安娜这样的人是社会中坚。

    People like Bartow and Marianne are the salt of the earth .

  24. 这就是中坚交易员和动量投资者的逻辑。

    This is the logic of the hard-core trader and momentum investor .

  25. 他们再也不被认为是社会的中坚分子了。

    They are no longer considered as the salt of the earth .

  26. 他是党内反对极端主义的中坚分子。

    He was a buttress against extremism in the party .

  27. 在志愿者队伍中,积极、热情的大学生志愿者是其中的中坚力量。

    The youthful student volunteers are the main force of volunteer team .

  28. 思想政治辅导员是高校教育管理工作的中坚力量。

    Political assistants are the nucleuses of education administrators in tertiary colleges .

  29. 当代大学生是社会主义现代化建设的未来的中坚力量。

    Contemporary college students are future backbones of socialism modernization .

  30. 大学生辅导员是高校学生工作的中坚力量。

    College counselors are the backbone of the work of college students .