
  • 网络Clearing business;clearing transaction
  1. 新加坡交易所(SingaporeExchange)已经推出了美元计价利率掉期的清算业务,它预期美国和欧洲的银行会希望在亚洲清算此类工具。

    The Singapore Exchange has launched clearing of US dollar-denominated interest rate swaps , anticipating that US and European banks will want to clear such instruments in Asia .

  2. 这家英国银行还被禁止在未经DFS批准的情况下,接受新的美元清算业务客户。

    The UK bank will also not be allowed to accept new customers for dollar-clearing without approval from DFS .

  3. 我对贵银行的国际清算业务最感兴趣。

    I 'm most interested in your international settlement business .

  4. 文中对银行信贷资金清算业务办公自动化的系统环境、系统结构和实现功能等方面进行了探讨。

    The paper discusses the credit funds of clear accounts information system environment , system structure and system function .

  5. 申请人在筹建期内不得办理支付清算业务。

    The applicants are precluded from being engaged in any payment and settlement business within the approved preparatory period .

  6. 这些交易所要么已经开发了衍生品和清算业务,要么正在发展这些业务,以平衡股票交易业务利润的萎缩。

    All either have , or are developing , derivatives and clearing as a counterweight to declining margins in share trading .

  7. 中国中央银行已批准万事达卡中国合资企业在中国境内开展银行卡清算业务的申请。

    China 's central bank has approved an application by Mastercard 's Chinese joint venture to conduct bank card clearing business in the country .

  8. 该文对于中国银行支付清算业务风险管理的改进具有一定借鉴价值。

    In this paper , the Bank of China to pay for the liquidation of the business risk management to improve from a certain value .

  9. 洲际交易所和纽约泛欧交易所的业务有一些重叠之处:两家交易所都有运营成本很高的清算业务。

    ICE thinks NYSE Euronext could be run more tightly . There is some overlap : both companies have clearing businesses , which are costly to run .

  10. 资金清算业务是我国商业银行的一项常规性业务,因此对资金清算业务的内部控制是我国商业银行内部控制体系的一个重要成分。

    Capital clearing is a regular business in commercial banks , so the internal control of capital clearing is a very important part of the inner control system in commercial banks .

  11. 承办审计会计报表、验证资本、经济案件鉴定、停业破产清算等业务。

    This includes the checking of accounting statements , verification of capital , survey of economic cases , and clearing for defunct of bankrupt enterprises .

  12. 笔者分析了清算中心的业务流程和数据流,建立了清算中心会计软件的系统架构和数据结构;

    It establishes a systematic structure for the accounting software of the clearance center and a data group structure as well .

  13. 主代理仅从事单纯的分销工作,在台湾没有任何保管、清算和结算业务。

    Master agents only do pure distribution without any custody , clearing and settlement business in Taiwan , says Mr Liu .

  14. 办理企业改组、合并、分立、整顿、解散、破产清算的审计业务,出具有关报告;

    To conduct the auditing operation on the reorganization , amalgamation , separation , rectification , dissolution and bankrupt liquidation events of an enterprise , and issue relevant report ;

  15. 熟悉一种以上银行业务(如储蓄、信贷、清算、银行卡业务等);

    Be familiar with banking operation , such as deposit , loan , payment and debit cards .

  16. 第八条支付清算组织依法开展业务,不受任何单位和个人的干涉。

    Article 8 The normal business carried out by related payment and settlement organizations hereunder shall be independent of any interference with by any unit or individual in whatsoever manner .

  17. 同城清算指人民银行分支机构组织同一城市范围内各银行机构办理的跨行票据交换及资金清算业务。

    Intra-City Clearing is note exchange and capital clearing business organized by branches of PBC , which spans multiple banks within the same city .