
  • 网络chiang mai initiative;cmi
  1. 我们一致同意做出更大努力,特别是加强三国间内部讨论,以便就清迈倡议多边化的所有要素达成共识。

    We agreed to further expedite our efforts to reach consensus on all of the elements of CMI Multilateralisation , particularly through the enhanced internal discussion among the three countries .

  2. 日本和中国(含香港)是清迈倡议的两大贡献者,这是一个由双边货币互换协议构成的泛亚洲网络,诞生于上世纪90年代末期的亚洲金融危机。

    Japan and China , including Hong Kong , are the two biggest contributors to the CMI , a pan-Asian network of bilateral currency swap agreements that grew out of the regional crisis of the late 1990s .

  3. 它还会刺激发展中国家加强地区协议来代替IMF,比如亚洲的《清迈倡议》(ChiangMai)。

    It would also spur developing countries to strengthen regional alternatives to the fund , such as the Chiang Mai initiative in Asia .

  4. 另一项重要成就当属强化清迈倡议(ChiangMaiInitiative)。这项协议的成员国共享一项1200亿美元的多边货币互换协议。

    Another important success was to strengthen the Chiang Mai initiative , whose member nations now share in a $ 120bn multilateral currency swap agreement .

  5. 清迈倡议之类的地区性货币互换协议,在反击金融保护主义方面起到了有益的作用。

    Regional swap line networks such as the Chiang Mai initiative have played a useful role in countering financial protectionism .

  6. 我们高兴地看到,清迈倡议下的双边互换协议总金额仍在持续增长。

    We were pleased to see that the total amount of the current bilateral swap arrangements under the Chiang Mai Initiative ( CMI ) continues to increase .

  7. 我们要进一步推进“清迈倡议”的多边化,要建立亚洲的资本市场,要建立10+3的外汇储备库;

    We 'll pursue the multi-lateralization of the Chiang Mai Initiative , establish the Asian Capital market and put in place the10 + 3 foreign exchange reserves pooling .

  8. 本文着重以清迈倡议为起点,对东亚外汇储备库进行分析,对其发展背景、发展过程、规模评估等发面进行研究,并对其前景进行展望。

    This article started from Chiang Mai Initiative , and analyzed the East Asia foreign exchange reserve pooling , research for its developing backgrounds , progresses and scale , and prospect for its future .

  9. 要加强在货币稳定、投融资、信用评级等领域务实合作,推进清迈倡议多边化机制建设,建设地区金融安全网。

    We will strengthen practical cooperation in currency stability , investment and financing , and credit rating , make progress in institution building for the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization and build a regional financial security network .

  10. 2005年签订的《清迈倡议》,在探讨如何有效防御金融危机、促进区域金融稳定方面迈出了可喜的一步,成为东亚货币合作的一个里程碑,标志着东亚开始了真正意义上的货币合作。

    As a milestone of the monetary cooperation in East Asian , " Chiang Mai Initiative " signed in 2005 has taken a welcome step on discussing how to guard against the financial crisis effectively , and how to promote the stability of the regional financial .

  11. 五是加强金融合作,共同防范新的风险,扩大双边本币互换的规模和范围,增加跨境贸易本币结算试点,强化清迈倡议多边化合作等。

    Fifth , we need to strengthen financial cooperation to jointly guard against new risks . We need to increase the size and scope of bilateral currency swap , expand the pilot program of settling cross-border trade with local currencies and enhance cooperation on the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization .

  12. 黑田东彦表示,有东盟+3之称的东亚国家,通过旨在对抗短期流动性问题的1200亿美元清迈货币互换倡议,已在区域金融稳定方面取得了显著进展。

    Mr Kuroda said the east Asian countries , known as the Asean + 3 grouping , had made substantial progress on regional financial stability through the $ 120m Chiang Mai currency swap initiative , intended to combat short-term liquidity problems .