
wài huì tóu cùn
  • exchange position
  1. 对于一个需要为其400亿美元经常账户赤字(相当于国内生产总值的3.4%)提供融资的国家来说,印度不可能再和繁荣时期那样,对其外汇头寸漫不经心。

    For a country that needs to finance a $ 40bn current account deficit , equal to 3.4 per cent of GDP , India cannot be quite as cavalier about its foreign exchange position as it was in the boom times .

  2. 要建立外汇头寸,简单的做法就是在投资外汇的几十支交易所交易基金(ETF)中挑选一支。

    A simple way to establish a foreign currency position is through one of the dozens of exchange-traded funds devoted to currencies .

  3. 讨论的重点是金融机构会员按规定需要平衡其外汇头寸的各种情形。通过分析,我们可以看出:汇率日波动幅度限制引起的失衡是经常的和必然的,这主要源于限制的严格性。

    By analysis , we can see that it is frequent and inevitable that foreign exchange daily fluctuation bring about unbalance , as the restrict limitation .

  4. 中国央行官员表示,中资银行的外汇头寸对央行是否决定降低银行存款准备金率起到重要作用。

    PBOC officials have indicated that banks ' foreign-exchange positions play a major role in the central bank 's decision to reduce banks ' reserve requirements .

  5. 发展此项业务需具备三个条件:日益增加的进出口量,延期付款增加导致资金需求增加,外汇头寸增加导致更多投资需求增加。

    There are three factors that must be needed for developing this business : the increase of import and export , the in - crease of deferring payment caused the increase of capital need , the increase of foreign exchange supply caused the increase of more investment need .

  6. 此规定意味着,这些银行如今也能持有外汇空头头寸了。

    And that means these banks are now also able to hold short positions in foreign currencies .