
  • 网络external equilibrium;external balance
  1. 开放经济条件下,一国经济面临内部均衡和外部均衡双重目标协调发展的挑战。

    One country will face internal and external balance targets in the open economy .

  2. 作为开放经济的主要政策目标,内部均衡与外部均衡是相互影响的。

    As the main targets of the open economy , internal and external balance targets will influence each other .

  3. ISLMFE模型是研究开放经济条件下国家宏观经济内、外部均衡的基本方法。

    The IS-LM-FE model is a basic method used in research the inside and outside equilibrium of the macroeconomic under the situation of open economy .

  4. 宏观经济内部均衡与外部均衡的统一

    The Unity of Macroeconomy 's Outward Equilibrium and Inward Equilibrium

  5. 影响我国内外部均衡的政策实施环境

    The Environment Influencing Internal and External Equilibrium Policies in China

  6. 我国内外部均衡关系初探

    Probing into the Relationship between Internal and External Equilibrium of Our Country

  7. 美元需要进一步贬值,以恢复美国的外部均衡。

    The dollar needs to decline further to restore equilibrium in the US external position .

  8. 在这样的基础上分别分析开放经济条件下的内部均衡与外部均衡。

    Based on that , we start to analyse the internal and external equilibrium under open economy condition .

  9. 而在宏观经济层面,作为调整中国外部均衡的重要政策手段却一直空缺。

    But in the macroscopic economical level , the important policy and method adjusting exterior balance of China are continuously vacant .

  10. 汇率目标区的基准汇率应选择均衡汇率,理论上这种均衡汇率应是能同时反映一国内外部均衡的汇率。

    The benchmark rate of the target zone should be an equilibrium rate which can reflects both of internal and external equilibrium simultaneously .

  11. 利率政策是实现内部均衡的基础,汇率政策是实现外部均衡的关键。

    Interest rate policy is the basis to achieve internal equilibrium , and exchange rate policy is to the key to achieve external equilibrium .

  12. 因而内部均衡的实现在短期优于外部均衡,内部均衡是要实现的目标,外部均衡则是条件。

    Thus in short-term the realization of internal equilibrium is better than the external , internal equilibrium is an target and external equilibrium is an condition .

  13. 除此之外,一国在考虑外部均衡时,往往还要关注其他一些经济目标,如贸易收支平衡、国内外资本流动的稳定性和对外经济部门的结构平衡等。

    Besides , there are some other factors should be considered such as trade payment balance , internal and external capital flow stability , structural balance of economy department .

  14. 外部均衡应该是一个国家理想的国际收支平衡,合理的国际收支结构不是短期的各项目收支平衡,而是长期的、动态的各项目收支差额之间的协调与平衡。

    A reasonable balance-of-payments structure is not the concept of a short-term balance , but a long-term , dynamic coordination and balance between items in the balance of payments .

  15. 一些基本汇率均衡模型显示,美元汇率可能必须进一步下跌。基本汇率均衡模型计算在内部均衡的情况下,汇率必须达到什么水平,才能实现外部均衡。

    Some fundamental exchange rate equilibrium models that calculate what exchange rate is needed to achieve external balance , given internal balance , suggest the dollar may need to fall further .

  16. 那么,外汇储备作为衡量国际收支平衡和外部均衡的指标,与作为内部均衡衡量指标的通货膨胀之间是否存在相关关系,甚至因果关系,这是值得研究的问题。

    Whether the connection between the foreign exchange reserves as the index of the balance of payments or exterior equilibrium and the inflation as interior equilibrium index exists is worthy discussing .

  17. 将借款能力仅用于国内支出会增大赤字,导致美国外部均衡恶化,从而限制其经济增长。

    Using the capacity to borrow just to spend it domestically is going to aggravate this deficit and leave the us with a worsened external balance that will limit growth down the line .

  18. 在对以往人民币均衡汇率模型分析的基础上,本文从购买力平价的思想出发,认为均衡汇率应该是在经济达到内、外部均衡的情况下与购买力平价相符的汇率。

    The model derives from the thought of the purchasing power parity ( PPP ) and considers equilibrium exchange rate should be coincident with PPP when economy is in both internal and external equilibrium .

  19. 其中,内部均衡的目标是高经济增长和低失业率,外部均衡的目标是国际收支总体平衡,尤其是经常项目的收支平衡。

    The target of inner equilibrium can be measured by high economic growth rate and low rate of unemployment . The target of outer equilibrium is the balance of international payment , especially the current account balance .

  20. 持续稳定的贸易发展是实现外部均衡和经济增长的重要特征,汇率作为一种重要的经济杠杠,是影响一个国家和地区对外贸易发展的重要因素之一。

    The sustainable and steady trade development helps to ensure external equilibrium and economic growth . As an important economic lever , exchange rate is one of vital factors influencing trade development of a country or region .

  21. 内外均衡的关系问题是国际金融学的重要内容之一,一般来说,内部均衡决定外部均衡,但外部非均衡也会反作用于内部均衡。

    The question about the relation between internal and external equilibrium is an important content in international finance . In general , internal balance determines external balance , but external imbalance can also react on internal balance .

  22. 汇率是实现一国经济内部和外部均衡的重要工具,也是调节国际经济关系最直接、有效的手段。

    The exchange rate is a significant tool to realize internal and external equilibrium to the economy , at the same time it is also the most directive and effective method to adjust the international economic competitive relations .

  23. 一方面国内的政策必须考虑到经济开放的影响,货币政策既要维持经济的内部均衡,又要保证经济的外部均衡。

    On the one hand the domestic policy must take into account the impact of economic liberalization , monetary policy making is not only to maintain the internal balance of the economy , but also to ensure that the economy is balanced .

  24. 均衡理念包含市场内部均衡与外部均衡双重含义,可作为竞争法中利益衡量的准则,也要求竞争排除制度适度扩张。

    Equilibrium includes two kinds of meaning of inner equilibrium and outer equilibrium , which can be used as the principle of " balancing of interests " in competition law , and which also expands the scope of competition-exclusion system in competition law .

  25. 开放经济下,宏观经济运行必需兼顾内外均衡,即充分就业、物价稳定、适度经济增长和外部均衡四大目标的同时实现。

    Under the Open Economy , the regulation of Macro-economy must achieve internal equilibrium and external equilibrium , that is , sufficient job positions , stable prices , suitable development of economy and external equilibrium , all these are fulfilled at the same time .

  26. 在现代开放经济条件下,持续的汇率失调会影响一个国家经济的内部均衡和外部均衡,并影响一个国家经济的持续、稳定、健康的增长。

    Under the conditions of modern open economy , the exchange rate continued imbalance will affect the internal balance and external balance of the economy of a country , and affect the sustained , stable and healthy growth of the economy of a country .

  27. 在开放经济下,一国宏观调控的最终目标是实现内部均衡与外部均衡的统一,即充分就业、物价稳定、经济增长与国际收支平衡、汇率稳定等同时实现。

    In the Open Economy , the aim of Macro-economy controlling is to realize the unity of internal equilibrium and external equilibrium , that is , sufficient job positions , stable prices , development of economy , balance of international payments and stable exchange rate .

  28. 中国作为工业产品的主要出口国,而且人口众多就业压力大,在外部均衡的策略上只能采取渐进式的策略,否则会对中国经济产生压力,使失业、产能过剩问题凸显。

    As a major industrial products exporting country , China has large population and great employment pressure , We can only take incremental strategy , otherwise it will lead to pressure on the Chinese economy , unemployment and the problem of excess production capacity will be highlighted .

  29. 所谓均衡汇率,是指能够同时满足宏观经济的内部和外部均衡的实际汇率水平,它是判断实际汇率是否失调以及汇率政策是否需要调整的主要客观依据。

    Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate is the real exchange rate which fulfilling the macro internal and external equilibrium . It is the main objective basis which could tell us whether the exchange rate is misaligned or not , and whether the policies of exchange rate need to be adjusted .

  30. 汇率是影响内部经济均衡和外部经济均衡的关键变量。

    Foreign exchange rate is a vital variable which influences the balance of ex-economy and im-economy .