
  • 网络railway support
  1. 列车整备是高速铁路保障行车安全的重要工作。

    Train servicing is the key job for the safety of the high-speed railway .

  2. 探讨了铁路安全保障系统RSGS(RailwaySafetyGuaranteeSystem)风险研究的基本内容,风险源分析方法和风险模型;

    This paper discusses the basic content of research on Railway Safety Guarantee System risk , the risk source analysis method and risk model .

  3. 黄河铁路大桥保障中气垫平台的研制

    The Manufacture of Air-Cusion Platform Used in Yellow River Railway Bridge Logistic Support

  4. 铁路医疗保障制度改革对铁路医院病床工作效率的影响

    Effects of the Railroad Medical Security System Reform on the Railroad Hospital Bed Efficiency

  5. 在黄河铁路大桥保障中引入气垫技术的探讨

    Application of air cushion technology in supporting the maintenance of the Yellow River railway bridge

  6. 国防交通铁路工程保障指挥决策专家系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Command Decision Making Expert System for Defence Traffic Railway Engineering Security

  7. 基于模糊穴的铁路安全保障系统风险研究及其在沪宁线中的应用

    Research on Railway Safety Guarantee System Risk Based on Fuzzy Cell and its Application in Hu-Ning Line

  8. 提出综合防治对策建议:加强以开展职业健康监护和建立职业卫生管理体系为主要内容的职业卫生管理;建立健全青藏铁路卫生保障体系,提高职业性高原病的防治水平;

    Advance a proposal of the comprehensive counter & measure of prevention and cure : strengthen the administration of occupational health .

  9. 提升铁路运输保障能力服务地区经济社会发展&呼和浩特铁路局林奋强局长访谈

    To upgrade the transport capacity of railways to serve regional economic and social development & An interview with the director of hohhot bureau

  10. 平战结合做好战时铁路工程保障准备&浅谈有关铁路国防交通工程保障的几个问题

    Do a Good Job of the Security Preparedness of Railway Engineering during War Time by Combining Our Work at Peace Time with the Preparedness against War

  11. 铁路社会保障工作是国家劳动保障工作的重要组成部分,随着铁路管理体制改革不断深化和社会经济飞速发展,落后的铁路社会保障工作方式已不能满足社会保障体系继续发展的要求。

    Railway security was one of the important parts of the national security . With the development of the railway reformation , the old methods could not meet the needs of new evolution .

  12. 铁路安全保障系统是一个复杂系统,应具有线路维修、区域安全运行、日常和临时限速命令的控制、车站地面设备与机车上司机的信息传达、列车运行调车监督等功能。

    Safety guarantee system of speed-up train is a complicated system involving the functions like line maintenance , regional safe operation , routine and makeshift control on speed limit , message transmission between ground infrastructure at station and loco man , and supervision of the train operation and dispatching etc.

  13. 数字化铁路行车安全保障体系研究

    Research on the Safeguard System for Digital Railway Train Operation

  14. 铁路行车安全保障体系层次结构分析

    Analysis on Hiberarchy of Railway Operation Safety Ensuring System

  15. 关于提高非战争军事行动铁路军事运输保障能力的思考

    Research on Improving Supporting Capability of Military Railway Transportation Under Military Operation Other Than War

  16. 方法运用质量控制图,对铁路职工医疗保障制度改革前后,某铁路中心医院病床工作效率指标变动情况进行分析。

    Methods A railroad hospital bed efficiency index before and after the railroad ! medical security system reform was analyzed through applying the method of quality control chart .

  17. 动车组的维修是高速铁路系统综合保障工程中重要组成部分,是实现动车组安全运行、高效运营的必要保障。

    The maintenance of EMU is the important part of comprehensive guarantee engineering in high-speed rail system , and maintenance is the basic premise to ensure EMU safety and high-efficiency .

  18. 摘要数字化铁路行车安全保障体系按逻辑模式分为行车安全决策模块、行车安全管理模块及行车安全监测模块。

    According logic pattern , the safeguard system for digital railway train operation can be classified into train operation safety decision module , train operation safety management module , and train operation safety monitoring and control nodu1e .

  19. 对国际上铁路行车安全保障管理、相关行车安全保障系统建设和运用现状的调查研究,总结和分析我国可以借鉴的主要经验。

    Based on the investigation on the international railway security management , traffic security system construction and usage status research , a main experience has been summarized and analyzed , which our country can learn from . 3 .

  20. 铁路军事交通运输保障能力的模糊聚类与粗糙决策

    Fuzzy Clustering and Rough Decision on Guarantee Capacity of Railway Military Transportation

  21. 大规模客流条件下铁路车站旅客安全保障体系的研究

    Study on Passenger Security Assurance System in Railway Station under Massive Passenger Flow

  22. 安全是铁路运营的重要保障。

    Security is an important guarantee of railway operations .

  23. 当前,正是抗震救灾的关键时期,铁路承担的运输保障任务十分艰巨。

    Now at the key time of quake-relief work , railway is shouldering a hard task of transportation guarantee .

  24. 因此,建议开展高原环境下单阀试验标准和试验方法的系统研究,为高原铁路安全开行提供保障。

    So , develop the system research for the single distributing vale experiment method and standard will safeguard for the tableland railway .

  25. 作为铁路行车部门安全保障的基础设施&车站电气集中设备,在车站作业过程中,发挥着不可替代的作用。

    As the fundamental equipment of railway train working department that ensure safety , the station electric interlocking apparatus plays an indispensable role in station operation .

  26. 全力确保提速持续安全为推进和谐铁路建设提供可靠保障社会保障也只能提供少量的维持生计之物。

    Try our best to safeguard the safety of the sixth speed-up and the further development of harmonious railway construction ; social security provided only a bare subsistence .

  27. 为了提高铁路卫生水平,保障铁路员工的健康,南京国民政府出台了一系列铁路卫生政策。

    To improve the railway health and guarantee the health of the railway personnel and the health and comfort of the tourists , Nanking National Government issued a series of railway health policy .

  28. 提出我国铁路安全检查监测保障体系的总体框架、铁路安全检查监测保障信息服务平台体系的内涵和建设的主要内容。

    It has been proposed that the overall framework of railway safety inspection monitoring of security system , the content of railway safety inspection monitoring information service platform and the main content of construction . 5 .

  29. 本文研究了国外发达铁路的行车安全保障技术的发展和我国的现状,提出了建立综合性安全监控系统的迫切需求。

    This paper analyzed the status of foreign railway safeguard technology and the present condition in our country . The need of railway safety comprehensive monitor and control system establishment is already more and more urgent .

  30. 在新的时期,仅从有关铁路国防交通工程保障的角度,重点探讨路网建设、战备科研、骨干培训等问题。

    From the angle of the railway traffic engineering security for national defense in the new period , the paper emphatically deals with such problems as the construction of our railway network , scientific research into the preparedness against war and cadres training , etc.