
  • 网络railway technology;Rail Technology
  1. 分析GIS在铁路技术设备管理中应用的意义;

    This paper analyzes the significance of GIS in railway technology and equipment management .

  2. 关于加强铁路技术管理的认识与建议

    Understanding and Suggestions for the Strengthening of Railway Technology Management

  3. 针对目前铁路技术站计算机调度系统的研究和应用现状,以及现有系统存在的不足之处,从决策支持的角度提出并开发了一个基于Agent的技术站阶段计划作业系统。

    Regarding the research and current status on application of computer command and control system for railway technical stations as well as the weakness of this system , from decision-making support point of view , this paper brings forward and develops a stage-plan system for technical station based on Agent .

  4. 单线铁路技术改造决策专家系统

    An expert system for reform scheme decision of single track railway

  5. A篇:关于京津城际铁路技术创新的探讨

    A : Probe into the technical innovation of Beijing-Tianjin intercity rail

  6. 高速铁路技术经济问题探讨

    An Approach to Technical and Econom-ic Issues of High Speed Railway

  7. 培育铁路技术市场加速科技成果转化

    Develop Railway Technical Market to Speed up Transformation of Sci-tech Results

  8. 京沪高速铁路技术方案的探讨

    On Selection of High - speed Technique for Beijing - Shanghai Railway

  9. 韩国铁路技术的现状与未来

    The Present State and Future of Railway Technique in Korea

  10. 关于铁路技术创新体系建设的思考

    Ideas on the Construction of the Railway Technological Innovation System

  11. 我国高速铁路技术标准的几点思考

    Some Thoughts about Technical Standards of Our Highspeed Railway

  12. 新形势下的中国铁路技术引进

    Import of Technology to Chinese Railways un-der New Situation

  13. 我国铁路技术引进规模研究

    Study of Scope of Introducing Technology of China Railway

  14. 铁路技术站作业系统的仿真策略研究

    Simulation Strategy of the Railway Technical Station Operation System

  15. 建立中国高速铁路技术体系的研究

    Research on Establishing Technical System of China High-speed Railways

  16. 面向21世纪的铁路技术创新趋势

    Trend of Railway Technology Innovation Facing the 21st Century

  17. 铁路技术站到发线运用调整模型及算法

    Adjusting Model and Algorithm for Application of Arrival and Departure Lines in Technical Stations

  18. 铁路技术直达列车编组方案最优化

    Optimizing the Marshaling Scheme of Technical Through Train

  19. 我国高速铁路技术发展的几个问题

    Issues on Technological Development of Chinese High-speed Railway

  20. 德国磁浮铁路技术

    The Technology of Magnetic Levitation Railway in Germany

  21. 尽管重新强调了利用现有的铁路技术,但铁路还会出现问题。

    Despite the new emphasis on existing rail technology , the railroads still had problems .

  22. 京沪高速铁路技术模式及修建时机探讨

    Discussion on the Technical Models and the Time of Construction for Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway

  23. 电子计算机在铁路技术计划编制中的应用

    Application of Computer on Railway Technical Planning

  24. 铁路技术管理规程多媒体教学软件的设计与应用

    Design and application on RRTM Multimedia Courseware

  25. 基于层次灰色模型的铁路技术创新绩效综合评价

    Synthetic evaluation of technological innovation performance of railway on the basis of the Hierarchy Grey Model

  26. 国际铁路技术统一会议

    International Conference for Railway Technical Unity

  27. 铁路技术站咽喉区道岔组占用安排的模型和算法

    Optimal Model and Algorithm on Arranging for Key Point Area 's Switch Array of Railroad Technic Station

  28. 随着我国铁路技术的飞速发展,旅客列车的速度不断提高。

    With the rapid development of Chinese railway technology , the speed of passenger train enhances unceasingly .

  29. 列车制动限速及其编组要求&《铁路技术管理规程》修订说明

    Speed Limit of Train Braking and Marshalling Requirement-Notices on Revised Edition of " Technical Management Rules of Railway "

  30. 引进是以较小的代价、较短的时间实现铁路技术装备现代化的有效途径。

    " Import " is a reliable approach to realize railway equipment modernization with less expense in shorter time .