
nèi zhí
  • nephew;son of wife's brother
内侄 [nèi zhí]
  • [son of wifes brother] 妻子的弟兄的儿子

内侄[nèi zhí]
  1. 我妹妹比我小十多岁,由我母亲的内侄费茨威廉上校和我做她的保护人。

    My sister , who is more than ten years my junior , was left to the guardianship of my mother 's nephew , Colonel Fitzwilliam , and myself .

  2. 此外,我又提醒林惇先生,那个孩子哈里顿是他的妻子的内侄,既是没有更近的亲人,他就该作他的保护人;

    Besides , I reminded him that the child Hareton was his wife 's nephew , and , in the absence of nearer kin , he ought to act as its guardian ;

  3. 他亟想把他内侄女嫁出去,给他找个门当户对的配偶。

    He anxiously desired to have his niece married , to make for her a suitable match .

  4. 有一个恶狠狠的孩子站在炉火旁边,身体健壮,衣服肮脏,眼睛和嘴角都带着凯瑟琳的神气。“这是埃德加的内侄吧,”我想&“也可以算是我的内侄呢。

    By the fire stood a ruffianly child , strong in limb and dirty in garb , with a look of Catherine in his eyes and about his mouth .

  5. 公元954年,周太祖死,养子郭荣(原姓柴,太祖内侄)继位(世宗)。

    In 954 , the Emperor Taizu passed away , the next person coming to power was his adopted son Guo Rong ( the original surname was Cai , the nephew of the former emperor ) .

  6. 但是我母亲的兄弟的子女,现在都是我母亲的内侄和内侄女,我父亲的姊妹的子女,现在都是我父亲的外甥和外甥女,而他们全都是我的表兄弟和表姊妹了。

    But the children of my mother 's brothers are now her nephews and nieces , the children of my father 's sisters are his nephews and nieces , and they are all my male and female cousins .