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nèi luàn
  • civil strife;internal disorder;civil strife,internal disorder;commit incest
内乱 [nèi luàn]
  • (1) [civil strife,internal disorder]∶指国内发生的叛乱或战争

  • (2) [commit incest]∶指乱伦行为

内乱[nèi luàn]
  1. 内乱普遍被谴责为一种罪行。

    A civil strife is universally condemned as a crime .

  2. 在内乱期间,家长们通常走把他们的子女们安置在安全的地方。

    During periods of civil strife , parents usually try to keep their children out of harm 's way .

  3. 我们不想卷入内乱之中。

    We do not intend to be drawn into the internal strife .

  4. 同时,VOA获悉内乱分子试图刺杀ARS领导SheikSharifSheikAhmed未遂。

    VOA has also learned of an unsuccessful attempt last week on the life of the moderate ARS leader , Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed .

  5. 战争、军事行动、内乱或武装叛乱;

    War , military action , civil rebellion or armed revolt ;

  6. 不要自己一人在旅馆内乱走。

    Do not go anywhere on your own in the hotel .

  7. 平定一切内乱是他的职责。

    It was his duty to put down any internal trouble .

  8. 阐述第一次大内乱与分裂的详细过程。

    Second , special discourse upon the first civil strife and split .

  9. 促成张、金初晤的机缘是朝鲜(韩国)内乱和庆军入朝(韩),担任吴军机要秘书的张謇因而到了朝鲜(韩国)。

    Zhang went to Korea as the confidential secretarial of Qmg army .

  10. 引起不和、恶感、内乱等。

    Foment discord , ill feeling , civil disorder , etc.

  11. 重电轻航的思想阻碍了航运的发展,河道内乱采砂石破坏了航道,也阻碍航运的发展。

    The thought of respecting electricity and ignoring shipping obstructs the shipping development .

  12. 对匈奴第二次大内乱与分裂作专门论述,亦由三部分组成。

    Third , special discuss the civil strife and split in Hun history .

  13. 该帝国经过几年内乱再度统一。

    The Empire was-fied after years of internal strife .

  14. 我们不想卷入他国的内乱之中。

    We do not intend to be drawn into the internal strife of another country .

  15. 但是如果放任战时盟国陷入内乱,又会损害华盛顿的信誉。

    Yet simply abandoning wartime allies to insurrection would have harmed Washington 's reputation for resolve .

  16. 并且蓝军主帅希望枪手们继续等待切尔西的内乱。

    And the Blues boss hopes the Gunners continue to wait for his team to self-destruct .

  17. 发生拉沙热流行的许多国家的内乱阻碍了有效控制。

    Civil unrest in many of the countries where Lassa fever is endemic has impeded effective control .

  18. 公元前635年,周襄王为了避内乱逃到了郑国。

    In 635 B. C. , the King Xiang of Zhou escaped from inner disturbances to Zheng .

  19. 这一声枪响惊得牛群在畜栏内乱跑乱转。

    The report of the gun stampeded the cattle and sent them milling about in the corral .

  20. 最终,一场民族的内乱在这种集体行动的易感性与自主性的交叉作用下不断升级。

    Finally , a civil strife upgraded by the cross-effects of the susceptibility and independence of collective action .

  21. 齐桓公死后,齐国出现争夺君权的内乱,力量削弱。

    When Duke Huan died , the intense contention for succession occurred and the power of Qi was weakened .

  22. 美国军方已在“内乱规划”在过去三十年来训练军队和警察。

    S.military had been training troops and police in " civil disturbance planning " for the last three decades .

  23. 归纳总结第二次大内乱与分裂对匈奴史和汉匈关系史产生的影响。

    Forth , summarize the influence of the civil strife and split in history of Hun nation and Han-Hun relationship .

  24. 它可以希望在六月份足够健康,坐观金州勇士的种种内乱与伤病,以此作为优势。

    It can hope to be healthy enough in June to take advantage of any drama or injuries in Golden State .

  25. 从十年内乱造成的严重挫折和损失到全面开创社会主义现代化建设的新局面。

    From the serious setback and losing caused by ten_year internal chaos to the new situation of starting socialist modernization all_sided .

  26. 夏发生内乱之后,汤于公元前1600年彻底打败夏军,取得了最终胜利。

    After an internal rebellion in Xia , Tang swept away the Xia armied in one final victory in 1600 B.C. .

  27. 天眷新制与至宁内乱是金朝具有重大转折意义的两大事件。

    The new system of Tian Juan and the civil strife of Zhi Ning were two crucial events in Jin Dy-nasty .

  28. 两汉时期匈奴两次大内乱与分裂在匈奴史和汉匈关系史上产生了重要影响和作用。

    The twice civil strife and split of Hun produce mainly influences and effects in history of Hun nationality and Han-Hun relationship .

  29. 然而,我们现在也确实看到一些明确迹象,显示动荡和内乱对健康构成了威胁。

    However , we are seeing right now some stark evidence of the threat to health arising from instability and civil unrest .

  30. 内乱外患,清王朝已无力对付沙俄对东北边境的侵犯。

    Civil strife in foreign aggression , the Qing dynasty had been powerless to deal with Russia on the northeast border violations .