
  • 网络Internal training;Iinner cultivation
  1. 这门课程预定在一年内修完。

    The course of study is to be completed within a year .

  2. 他答应屋顶两天内修好。

    Promised that the roof should be repaired within two days .

  3. 半小时之内修好这台机器是很难的,但我们可以试试。

    Repairing the machine in half an hour is a tall order .

  4. 那台电脑能在两小时内修好。

    The computer can be repaired in two hours .

  5. 这个人对顾客说:「对不起,我在这两个星期内修不了你的电视机。我现在忙得简直无法应付。

    I 'm sorry but I won 't be able to fix your TV for two weeks .

  6. 不要做一个令人厌烦的人,写一个长篇大论关于你怎样在几分钟内修好了一个漏水的水龙头。

    Don 't be a bore and put a long post on how you fixed the leaking tap in minutes .

  7. 在这个地带内修建新建筑和构筑物,不得破坏文物保护单位的环境风貌。

    Construction of new buildings or other structures in such an area shall not deform the environmental features of the historical and cultural site .

  8. 重外律,轻内修,忽视学生道德学习体验能力的培养;

    On extrinsic restrain , not on internal cultivate , so it neglect the education of the students ' ability to experience the moral learning .

  9. 同时,学生雇员如在获豁免学生雇用期内修毕或终止修讀有关课程,亦应尽快通知雇主。

    At the same time , the student employee shall inform the employer when he or she is no longer enrolled in the programme during the concerned period of exempt student employment as soon as possible .

  10. 对儒家内圣外王思想的阐释在古代和近代有所不同,涉及内修与外用、中学与西学等关系。

    This thought of Confucianism has been interpreted differently in the ancient times and the modern times , which involves such relationships as between internal cultivation and external utilization and between the Chinese traditional learning and the Western learning .