
  1. 探讨古代思想家的明人伦道德思想,对促进人伦文明及整个社会文明具有重要意义。

    It 's of great significance to discuss the Thought of Knowing How to Be , which promotes ethical civilization and the civilization of the whole society .

  2. 中国古代人文课程体系是以“明人伦”、教化天下为课程目标,以倡导人文精神的儒家经学课程为主体,射、御、律、算等艺能学科为两翼的综合性课程体系。

    The curricular system set Confucian works which initiated humane spirit as the principal part , and regards some art subjects such as arrow-shooting , driving , laws , arithmetic etc.

  3. 外在的扩展以明人伦(新民)为目标,具体的工夫包括重视蒙学、重视家庭礼仪教化、大力兴办学校、敦化乡风、政治教化等手段。

    External expansion of the " the bright human relations " ( Xin-Min ) as the goal , the specific works including the means of pay attention to clan school and the family ritual indoctrination , establish schools vigorously , to take the family etiquette enlightenment , political edification .

  4. 其中事亲长主要是以父母、老师和其他尊长为施礼对象,通过一系列的礼仪规范,培养晚辈对尊长的恭敬谦卑之心,以达到明人伦的目的。

    Serving elder , like parents , teachers and other elders , aims at training the younger generation to be humility to elders by learning a series of etiquette . What the younger generation has to learn is in order to achieve the purpose of " comprehend proprieties " .