
  • 网络Ming and Qing architecture;architecture of Ming and Qing dynasties
  1. 明清建筑室内装饰艺术

    Interior decorative art of architecture in Ming and Qing dynasty

  2. 这整座小镇就像一个保存得非常完好的明清建筑展览馆啊。

    The whole town appears to be a museum of well-kept buildings of the Ming and Qing dynasties .

  3. 楹联在明清建筑中具有历史价值、审美价值、旅游价值和经济价值。

    Couplets in the Ming and Qing buildings of historical value , aesthetic value , tourism and economic value .

  4. 明清建筑艺术国之瑰宝山东龙口丁氏故宅

    National Building Art Treasure of Ming and Qing Dynasties & Former Residence of Ding Family , Longkou City , Shandong Province

  5. 根据对相关资料和数据的统计,关中地区道教遗存建筑共有239处,其中宋代建筑1处,元代建筑10处,其余均为明清建筑,且以清代建筑为主。

    According to the relevant data and data statistics , there were guanzhong area remains Taoism in Song dynasty , including building 239 , building 10 , Yuan , Ming and Qing dynasties buildings for the rest , and in Qing dynasty architecture .

  6. 明清宫殿建筑群旅游导示系统设计研究

    The Study on Design of the Sign System for the Palace Architecture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  7. 营建者对徽州明清民居建筑的主观影响主要表现在建筑装饰的细部上。

    The subjective influence mainly came from the residents who constructed these houses and this influence generally exhibited on the decoration .

  8. 笔者认为,风水思想是影响徽州明清民居建筑的主导思想。

    In my opinion , the ideology of FengShui is the dominant thoughts which influence the fabrication of the local residential architecture .

  9. 渔洋村明清民居建筑由于受当时文化制度、传统习俗、经济状况以及环境气候等条件的影响,在建筑装饰风格上形成了自身清淡素雅,精巧自由的时代特征和地域特色。

    Affected by the cultural system , traditional custom , economic condition and weather , the housing construction and decoration has a very special character .

  10. 徐州地区因特殊的历史与地理原因(如战争和水灾等),保存完整的民居数量较少。而腹地户部山因地理位置的特殊,保存了部分较完整的明清民居建筑。

    In XuZhou , completing folk dwelling is less because of war and flood , but in HuBuShan , there are lots of folk dwellings for it 's special place .

  11. 依稀尚存的明清古建筑群是古镇留给世人真实可睹的旧日姿态,与其相关的人文背景并不被众人所知。

    The ancient buildings of Ming and Qing dynasties may be a vague picture the town leaves of its old times , still , its relevant background of human culture remains unknown .

  12. 作为目前保存最为完整的传统民居聚落之一,徽州明清民居建筑完美地体现了自然环境、传统哲学思维、大文化传统、地域风俗文化的融合。

    As one of the best maintained traditional residential assemblage , the HuiZhou traditional residential architectures of Ming and Qing Dynasty embodied the integrated spirit of natural environment , traditional physical ideology , general cultural tradition and regional custom .

  13. 本研究的具体的框架与内容为六个部分:第一大部分是阐述研究的现状、目的意义以及内容方法等;第二大部分是湖南明清民间建筑中木雕纹样概况。

    The study of the specific content and framework into six parts : the first part is the research present situation , significance and content and method ; second most of Hunan in Ming and Qing Dynasty building woodcarving patterns overview .

  14. 明清江南园林建筑装修探析

    Research on Fitment of Garden Building in Ming and Qing Dynasties

  15. 镇子里的桥造形独特,古老优雅,都是明清年间的建筑。

    Bridges in the town are distinctive and old , built during Ming and Qing Dynasties .

  16. 本文主要探讨天人合一思想对明清北京祭坛建筑的影响。

    This article focuses on the impact of the " harmony between man and nature " on architecture .

  17. 云南金华镇明清古民居建筑特色研究

    A Study on the Architecture Features of Ancient Houses in Ming and Qing Dynasties in Jinhua Town of Yunnan Province

  18. 对明清北京祭坛建筑进行了全面和深入的介绍和剖析。

    This essay precedes a thorough and profound introduction of the altars which were built in Beijing during Ming and Tsing Dynasty .

  19. 这座公园还将包括唐宋时期的建筑区,以及明清风格的建筑区。

    The park will also include a section in the architectural style of the Tang and Song dynasties and another in the style of the Ming and Qing dynasties .

  20. 明清都城北京城建筑象征的文化解释

    The Cultural Interpretation of Beijing Construction Symbolism & The Capital of Ming and Qing Dynasty

  21. 会馆建筑是明清时期出现的建筑类型;

    Guildhall architecture is a kind of architecture form that emerged in Ming & Qing Dynasties .

  22. 徽州古民居装饰雕刻作为明清两朝徽派建筑的重要组成部分和民居装饰艺术的重要标志,在我国传统文化史上留下光辉灿烂的一页。

    The sculptural ornament of the traditional houses in Huizhou is an important part of Hui architecture during Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty .

  23. 住宅楼:同里镇不愧为'古文物博物馆'。这里有很多明清时期的古建筑和庙宇。

    Residential House : Tongli Town deserves its reputation of a'museum of ancient architectures'as there are good many houses and temples dating from the Ming and Qing Dynasties .

  24. 龙门古镇是东吴大帝孙权后裔的最大聚居地,古镇里现在它还保存着完整的明清时期的古建筑群。

    The goal is the ancient town of Sun Quan East Tundadi descendants of the largest settlements , the ancient town , now also preserve the integrity of the ancient Ming and Qing Dynasties buildings .

  25. 文章结合古代文献资料、近现代相关课题研究成果、古建筑断代史和中国墓葬建筑断代史的研究成果,尝试对中国明清时期皇家墓葬建筑文化进行全面而直观的探讨。

    In combination with the ancient literature , modern and contemporary topics related to research , ancient buildings dating history and the Chinese tombs dating architectural history research , try the Royal Tombs of Ming and Qing Dynasties of China architectural culture of a comprehensive and intuitive .

  26. 上海市明清民居中大量存在的建筑类型&厅堂,能够充分反映上海市明清时期的建筑营造技术和文化审美内涵。

    As a widespread building type , the hall in Ming and Qing residences can reflect the level of technological development and cultural connotation of aesthetics well .