
  • 网络geomantic conception
  1. 传统的风水观与现代建筑设计

    Traditional Geomantic Point of View and Modern Architectural Design

  2. 论传统风水观与科学生态观的和谐统一

    The traditional location theory and scientific ecology in harmony

  3. 徽州古民居(村落)的风水观

    Geomantic Notions Reflected in Huizhou Ancient Villages

  4. 和谐理念是湘西土家族丧葬习俗的思想根源,灵魂不灭观、三才一体观、风水观、孝道观、和谐观、血亲感应观等是丧葬习俗形成的思想基础。

    Harmony is a Western concept of the ideological root of Funeral Customs , the soul is immortal concept , with God an embodiment of feng shui concept , filial piety , harmony , and so is the concept of genetic induction formed the ideological basis of Funeral Customs .

  5. 村民更多的把疯癫与当地的禁忌、仪式、风水、道德观等相联系,而不是简单的归类疯癫。

    The villagers pay more attention to the relation between insanity and local taboos , rituals , geomancy , ethics , rather than to the simple classification of madness .