
  • 网络Layout;layout drawing;map
  1. 当集成工具识别出其中与示意图连接发生变化的话,它就会将这种变化带入到布局图。

    And while integrated tools recognize that a change to a connection in the schematic should propagate to the layout , most PLM or PDM systems do not .

  2. 基于战略布局图和战略转变框架的分析,移动运营商可构建聚焦农村信息化的买方价值因素,从而为广大农村地区创造信息价值,并从中获取竞争优势和持续性增长。

    Based on the analysis of strategy layout and strategy transformation frame , the mobile operators can establish rural informatization focused customer value factors so as to create information value for far-reaching rural areas and gain competitive advantages and sustainable development .

  3. 这里您使用一个free-form布局图。

    Here you use a free-form layout diagram .

  4. 之后,总布局图(GAD)发放给生产工程部(PED),以编制生产资料。

    GAD 's are then released to PED for preparation of manufacturing data .

  5. 制图室主管负责编制合同专用图纸登记薄,以记录总布局图(GAD)的修订状态和核准状态。

    A contract specific drawing register is created to record GAD revision and approval status by the DO supervisor .

  6. 制图室和生产工程部(PED)-发放给生产部的总布局图和生产作业指导书。

    Drawing office and Production Engineering department ( PED )– General arrangement drawings and manufacturing instructions issued to Production Department .

  7. 制图室主管负责保证,总布局图(GAD)的编制,符合客户采购单的范围。

    Drawing office supervisor is responsible for ensuring that general arrangement drawings ( GAD ) are generated in accordance with the scope of the client purchase order .

  8. 然后描述了TJ仓库出库包装区的现状,绘制了出库包装区布局图及工作流程图。

    Then , it describes the status of packaging area in the TJ warehouse , and draws out the layout drawing and work flow chart .

  9. Kegan称其为:“与(拍)X光照片作用一样的思维布局图”Kegan和Lahey说,在第一栏,填上一个会让我们生活带来巨大改变的目标。

    For the first column , Kegan and Lahey tell us , pick a goal , one that would make a significant difference in our lives .

  10. 采用图形台位形象地描述每个餐厅的实际台位布局图。

    Graphically depicts your restaurant by room to display active tables .

  11. 请点击右边链接,看网叶布局图。

    Please click right link to download the site map .

  12. 这些强盗研读了银行的布局图。

    The robbers studied the layout of the bank .

  13. 本文主要研究二叉树的布局图画法,分为三部分内容。

    This paper studies graph drawings of binary trees .

  14. 该原理图,示意图和布局图往往附着在顶端的板组装件中。

    The diagram , schematic and layout are often attached to the top level board assembly .

  15. 有右拐角的道路。连接到其他路段,以创建道路布局图。

    Road with a right-angled corner . Attach to other road segments to create road layouts .

  16. 本文在对一个生产车间的制造工艺和物流系统分析后,设计了该车间的平面布局图;

    The paper analyzes workshop 's manufacturing process and logistics system and designs the work shop plan ;

  17. 此外我们还希望贵公司能提供该工厂的布局图以及全厂基建平面图,以供研究。

    Please also send a layout diagram and a construction plan for the plant for our study .

  18. 我们可以给您发一份展厅的布局图,并且把可预订的摊位标出来。

    We 'll send you a layout of the exhibition hall , and mark the available booth on it .

  19. 把事情搞的更复杂的情况是:元件和元件间的联系在原理图和布局图中表现出来了。

    To further complicate things , the components and connections between them are represented in both the schematic and layout .

  20. 就新项目在最初回顾期之后的不同阶段与各相关部门一起讨论并最终定稿商场平面布局图。

    Works with related divisions and departments to finalize the layouts for every phase of new projects after early review period .

  21. 画出烟丝立体库的平面布局图、烟丝立体库的作业流程图,并写出了详细的作业过程。

    Draw three-dimensional database tobacco layout plan , the operation flow chart of tobacco-dimensional database , and write a detailed operation process .

  22. 本文从医疗设备机房的选址、机房功能布局图和机房设计中应高度重视的几个问题三个方面介绍医疗设备机房设计原则。

    This paper introduces design principle of the medical equipment room from choosing address , working diagram block and designing the room .

  23. 价值工程在工程项目规划设计中的应用&基于战略布局图的视角

    To Apply on the Value Engineering in Layout and Design of the Construction Projects & Based on the Perspective of Strategy Canvas Analysis

  24. 最后,布局图将会显示出版子上各种元件的位置信息,轨迹和每个板子的轨线层。

    And finally , the layout shows a detailed view of the placement of components and the path and layer for each trace in the board .

  25. 着重谈了相关图法设计固体制剂车间的工艺平面布局图。

    Taking the solid preparations workshop for example , the paper analyses the theory on the basis of the different pharmaceutical workshop design by the production management theory .

  26. 论文具体研究工作如下:1.结合足部生物力学研究的特点,提出了一种更加科学、有效的足部参数测量系统,并给出了系统空间布局图。

    The main findings of this study are as follows : 1.Combining with foot biomechanical study , the thesis introduces the characteristic of a more scientific and effective foot parameter measurement system , and gives the system space layout diagram .

  27. 制作发货和收货中心的布局图,包括从厂房和各种工业设施拖拉、运输和分配产成品、货物的设备。你的工作是按订户的订单配备货物。

    Make layouts for shipping and receiving centers with equipment for hauling , transporting , and distributing manufactured goods , freight , cargo , and stock from plants and industrial facilities . Your job is to make up the customers orders .

  28. 用Excel设计新馆布局平面图的探索与实践

    The Exploration and Practice of Designing New Library 's Ichnography with Excel

  29. 您将开发的表单示例的布局如图1所示。

    The layout of the form example you will develop is shown in Figure 1 .

  30. 容许两个盘故障的磁盘阵列数据布局与图分解的条件和存在性研究

    The Study of Graph Decompositions and Placement of Parity and Data to Tolerate Two Failures in Disk Arrays : Conditions and Existance