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  1. 祀孔建筑着重以孔庙各地义庙和明堂辟雍的建筑形制作为探索研究的对象;书院建筑主要从其建筑形制利艺术形象角度度进行探索研究。

    The worship buildings use the Kong Temple , the Temple of Literature and the hall circlet as the object of exploration and research . The College buildings focus on architectural form and the artistic image .

  2. 有孔庙(各地文庙)、孟庙、颜庙、明堂和辟雍等。另一类为文教建筑,主要是受儒家思想影响而形成的书院建筑。

    Including Confucius Temple ( Wenmiao ), Meng Temple , Yan Temple and Ming hall , etc. The other one is cultural and educational buildings , which are built by the influence of Confucianism .