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  • 网络ritual architecture
  1. 书院建筑作为我国传统建筑的典型代表,是礼制建筑与文人建筑相结合的建筑形式,包含了广泛而深厚的文化内涵。

    Classical Academy architecture , the typical representative of traditional Chinese architectures , is a combined architectural form of ritual architecture and literary architecture , which carries broad and deep connotation .

  2. 济渎庙是中国古代重要的礼制建筑之一,庙内现存历代碑刻36通。

    Jidu Temple is one of the important etiquette buildings in ancient China . with 36 ancient stones in it .

  3. 明堂作为重要的礼制建筑,汉代以前平面为亚形,源自于上古时代天圆地亚形的宇宙观。

    Ming-Tang , as an important Li-institution building , had a Ya-shape plan before Han dynasty , which originated from the universe mode of round sky with Ya-shape earth in ancient times .

  4. 祠庙建筑是一种礼制建筑,深受儒家礼制思想的影响,然而自她形成之日起,就在沿江山地自然地理条件下,经历了社会文化发展的漫长历程。

    Though ancestral temple is a confucianists etiquette building and is influenced by the confucianists etiquette ideology , it have undergone a long process of social culture development under the condition of physical geography and become mature ultimately .

  5. 解州关帝庙是典型的封建礼制性建筑,采用“前庙后寝”的格局。

    The temple of GuanYu in Haizhou is a typical feudal architectures of social institutions .

  6. 孔庙,是祭祀孔子及其夫人亓氏和七十二贤人的地方,是推广儒家教化而兴建的重要礼制性建筑。

    Confucian Temple is the place where people offer sacrifice to Confucius and his wife and 72 sages and it is an important feudal ethical building for promoting Confucian culture .

  7. 说明了宗法礼制与建筑的通用性之间的关联性,从一个特殊的角度重新审视了中国古代城市、聚落和建筑的某些基本特征,有利于理解中国的传统建筑文化。

    It discusses the relationship between the regimen of blood relationship and general utilities of architecture . It rethinks some essential characteristics of the cities , settlements and dwellings of ancient China , which are helpful in understanding the Chinese traditional architectural culture .

  8. 历朝历代都利用礼作为巩固统治和强化宗法制度的最重要的精神手段,并以此转化为各种承载礼制的载体包括建筑。

    All dynasty ruling classes used " ceremony and propriety " as the most important spiritual method to reinforce their ruling and strengthen patriarchal clan rules and regulations , which converted into various kinds of carriers of ceremony and propriety including buildings .

  9. 本文主要从空间格局、比例尺度以及色彩、材质等方面结合实例分析礼制思想在传统建筑中的表现,充分反映了建筑作为文化的载体所蕴涵的深刻的文化思想。

    The thesis analyses the reflection of Li culture in traditional architecture in space pattern , size , color and material aspects . It also reflects that the architecture , being the carrier of culture , contains deep culture and ideology in its inner part .

  10. 简述了中国古代礼的起源、功能、内容和中国古代礼制制度及其种类,指出中国古代的礼制建筑是中国古代礼制的一个重要组成部分,而祭坛建筑又是礼制建筑的一个重要类别。

    Through sketching the origin , function and content of ancient etiquette as well as the etiquette system of China , the author pointed out etiquette buildings , one of whose main classifications were sacrificial altar buildings , were key components of the etiquette system in ancient China .