
  • 网络Etiquette training
  1. 礼仪文化产业包括礼仪服务业和礼仪用品制造业,其中礼仪服务业包括礼仪培训业、庆典礼仪业、礼仪用品销售业及礼仪中介业等。

    Etiquette culture industry including etiquette service and manufacture industry . Etiquette supplies services and manufacturing industries , service industries , including one of etiquette training business etiquette , wedding etiquette business etiquette and ritual supplies sales intermediary industry and so on .

  2. 护士职业礼仪培训对实习同学职业规范的影响

    Influence of professional nursing practice on the professional etiquette norms

  3. 加强护士礼仪培训提高护理服务质量

    Practice of ceremonial training of nurses

  4. 雇主必须给年轻人进行简单的礼仪培训,因为在家里无法进行。

    Employers have to train young people in simple manners because that is not being done at home .

  5. 您已准备充分,完全有资格成为一个专业的商务礼仪培训师。

    You will be fully prepared to launch a business and become a " Professional Trainer " in business etiquette .

  6. 结论把护士礼仪培训作为护理管理的一项重要工作来抓,有利于提高护理服务质量。

    Conclusion As an important task of nurse managing , standardizing etiquette performances of nurses is in favor of improving nursing service .

  7. 并进行相关护理理论及礼仪培训,强化岗位职责,把特优服务溶入到各项护理工作。

    Besides , the nurses were trained about relevant nursing theory and nursing etiquettes to reinforce post duties and integrate high quality service into the nursing care .

  8. 商业礼仪培训师鲍曼认为,如果某员工的凌乱状态损害了整个团队,造成文件丢失或错过最后期限的情况,这时管理者就应当介入。

    Ms. Bowman , the business protocol coach , says managers should step in if a colleague 's mess hurts the team , causing lost documents or missed deadlines .

  9. 应把优化接待环境,做好窗口行业英语礼仪培训;同时鼓励国外、国内、本埠外语培训机构以英语培训为主、东南亚小语种为辅的市场竞争;

    To meet the demands of the China-ASEAN Expo , we should optimize reception environment , do a good job of English training in the ceremony and propriety of various service trades .

  10. 位于英格兰南部沿海的布莱顿学院将对学生们进行各种礼仪培训,其中包括怎样熨衬衫、跳华尔兹、何时脱外套、何时去洗手间、在餐桌上何时不能说话等一些礼仪细节。

    Brighton College on the southern English coast will drill pupils on how to iron a shirt properly , dance the waltz , when to take off a jacket or go to the toilet , when to avoid talking at the dinner table and other finer points of etiquette .

  11. 主管的一席话让我这位刚从校园踏入社会的新生茅塞顿开,是的,礼仪的培训看似简单却有着引来客源的重要作用。

    Competent goes let me just from the campus of the new life into society * , yes , etiquette training looks be like simple has lead to the important role of tourists .

  12. 据李斌介绍,《芈月传》的演员们在拍摄前接受了中国古代礼仪的特殊培训。

    According to Li , the cast of The Legend of Miyue received special training on ancient Chinese etiquette before shooting .

  13. 提高帆船帆板教练员的业务水平,制定统一的从业资格审查制度,对教练员的素质及文明礼仪进行定期培训。

    Enhance the professional level of the sailboat and sailboard coaches . Make a unified professional qualification standard , and train the coaches at regular intervals .