
  • 网络regifting
  1. 汉普顿宫被作为礼物转送给了亨利八世。

    Hampton Court was made over to Henry VIII as a present

  2. 一项为期两年的发现大多数美国人都会将收到的礼物转送出去。

    A two-year study has found that most Americans have done it .

  3. 在中国,圣诞节与历史、传统、亲属或礼物转送无关。

    Christmas in China has nothing to do with history , tradition , relatives or regifting .

  4. 对于“礼物转送”行为,说它俗气也好,无礼也罢,甚至说不花心思也行,但这种行为已经像每年都要送果冻一样成了人们的惯例。

    Call it tacky , rude , maybe even thoughtless , but " regifting " is about as ritualistic as giving away that lump of jellied fruit every year .

  5. 这项研究显示,有54%的美国人会将收到的但自己并不需要的礼物重新包装、放在礼物盒里,然后转送出去。

    According to the study , 54 percent of Americans rewrap , rebox and resend unwanted presents .