
  • 网络etiquette education
  1. 礼仪教育有助于提高大学生素质

    Etiquette Education Helpful to Improving the Basic Quality of College Students

  2. 礼仪教育&中华传统文化的瑰宝

    The Etiquette Education : The Treasure in the Chinese Traditional Culture

  3. 和谐语境下大学生礼仪教育路径刍议

    Approaches of Etiquette Education for College Students under Harmonious Language Atmosphere

  4. 浅谈加强医学院校学生的礼仪教育

    Discussion on the Reinforcement of Etiquette Education in Students of Medical College

  5. 对大学生公关礼仪教育的思考

    On consideration of the public etiquette education to university student

  6. 高职生礼仪教育应该从哪几方面入手。

    In what ways should Etiquette education be taught for vocational students ?

  7. 关于对中职学生进行礼仪教育的思考

    About Thinking of Etiquettes Education to the Students in Secondary Vocational School

  8. 因此,在小学生中开展礼仪教育十分重要。

    Therefore , etiquette education in pupils is very important .

  9. 北京为迎奥运正大力开展礼仪教育。

    Beijing Olympics is making great efforts to carry out ritual education .

  10. 东西方礼仪教育之比较

    Comparison of Ceremony Education between the East and the West

  11. 高校应重视在大学新生中进行社交礼仪教育

    The Emphasis of Social Etiquette Education in Freshmen of Colleges and Universities

  12. 加强大学生礼仪教育的思考

    The thought about how to strengthen undergraduate 's etiquette education

  13. 加强礼仪教育塑造美的交际形象

    Emphasize the Education of Etiquette and Establish a Good Image in Communication

  14. 大学生礼仪教育问题浅析

    The Analyse On The Etiquette Education Problem Among University Students

  15. 礼仪教育是公民素质教育的重要内容。

    Ceremony education is an important part of citizen education .

  16. 高职生的礼仪教育现状如何。

    How about the present situation of etiquette education for vocational students ?

  17. 重礼是礼仪之邦的重要传统美德,礼仪教育在中华民族古代教育中占有突出的重要的位置。

    Propriety education is always emphasized in ancient Chinese education .

  18. 同时,高职生礼仪教育也是个复杂的问题。

    Furthermore , vocational students ' etiquette education is a complex issue .

  19. 高职礼仪教育应注意的几个问题

    The Problems of the Rite Education in Vocational Schools

  20. 以礼仪教育为切入点,促进大学生道德建设

    To Promote College Student Moral Construction from Courtesy Education

  21. 你确信这些人都受过礼仪教育。

    Make sure these people get the etiquette guide .

  22. 加强礼仪教育提升大学生基本素质

    Strengthening the Teaching of Good Manners and Promoting College Students ′ Basic Qualities

  23. 关于加强教师礼仪教育问题的思考

    Thoughts on the Reinforcement of teachers ' Etiquette Education

  24. 实施大学生礼仪教育的必要性与可行性

    Necessity and Feasibility of Etiquette Education for College Students

  25. 加强礼仪教育,促进大学生人际关系和谐

    Enhancing Etiquette Education to Improve the Harmony of College Students ' Interpersonal Relationship

  26. 可见,对大学生进行社交礼仪教育具有跨时代、跨世纪的特殊意义。

    The good manners education has cross-age , cross-century special significance to college students .

  27. 对实施现代礼仪教育的探讨

    Probing into the Exertion of Modern Decorum Education

  28. 加强现代礼仪教育是有力保证。

    The best guarantee for it is to emphasize the education of modem etiquette .

  29. 这一部分主要对蒙古族传统礼仪教育的选题意义进行了阐述。

    This section focuses on topics of Mongolian traditional etiquette education meaning is described .

  30. 大学生礼仪教育研究

    A Study on Etiquette Education for College Students