
  1. 该寺高大雄伟,具有典型的明代建筑风格。

    Tall majestic monastery , with the typical architectural style of the Ming Dynasty .

  2. 八达岭是明代建筑,借以与鞑靼(元代没落蒙古贵族的一支)作战。

    The Bandaging Great Wall which is constructional in Ming Dynasty , thereby fighting against Tartars who is a grouper of the downfallen Mongolia nationality nobles of Yuan Dynasty .

  3. 长城山西镇段沿线明代城堡建筑研究

    Study on the Military Castles of Great Wall in Shanxi-zhen

  4. 我们入住的旅馆(含早餐)建于19世纪50年代,但仍采用典型的明代民居建筑风格。

    Our BB was built in the 1850s but modelled on the classic Ming-era vernacular .

  5. 南京明代皇家建筑艺术

    Nanjing Ming Royal Architectural Art

  6. 试论唐至明代官式建筑发展的脉络及其与地方传统的关系

    Official Building and Local Architecture

  7. 中国南部省会城市广州的一名教授警告称,广州的明代红砂岩建筑也遭到酸雨腐蚀。[qh]

    A professor in Guangzhou , a provincial capital in the south , warns that acid rain is also eroding the red sandstone buildings there from the Ming dynasty . [ qh ]

  8. 山西明代传统戏场建筑研究

    Study on Traditional Theatrical Building in Shanxi Province Built in Ming Dynasty

  9. 波伏瓦女性主义思想及当代意义探讨明代武当山古建筑琉璃瓦件窑址初探

    Research on the Kiln Location of Wudang Mountains Ancient Buildings Glazed Tiles of the Ming Dynasty

  10. 明代武当山古建筑琉璃瓦件窑址初探你必用铁杖打破他们,你必将他们如同窑匠的瓦器摔碎。

    Research on the Kiln Location of Wudang Mountains Ancient Buildings Glazed Tiles of the Ming Dynasty Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron ; Thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter 's vessel .

  11. 这里的城墙改建于明代,沿山脊建筑,墙身高大坚固,墙体用整齐巨大的城砖筑成

    " This part of Great Wall was reconstructed in Ming Dynasty . It was Built on the ridges of the mountains . Laid out with huge and uniform Bricks , the wall itself is tall and sturdy . "