
  1. 你明明爱我,却跟他出来走。

    You love me but go out with him .

  2. 譬如他明明就爱看我订的杂志。

    Like magazines I subscribe to , which he reads .

  3. 譬如他明明就爱看我订的杂志,却一直不肯承认。

    Like magazines I subscribe to , which he reads , but only because they 're there .

  4. 但在珊曼莎永远离开他的时候,看着珊的日记,他明白了自己有多愚蠢,明明深爱着珊,却不知道如何表达。

    However , Shan Samantha never left him , looking at Susan 's diary , he realized how stupid his , obviously in love with Susan , but do not know how to express .

  5. 我明明知道我爱我的巧克力男生,但是我对他的感觉,我也不会拒绝!

    I.m absolutely know that I love my chocolate man , but my feeling to him is also undeniable .

  6. 其实那个时候,完全是自己骗自己,因为明明就是还爱着他。

    In fact , that time is completely deceiving themselves , because obviously that is also in love with him .

  7. 他明明知道她不爱查尔斯,而媚兰这个大傻瓜却看不明白他。

    He knew she hadn 't loved Charles . And Melly was just a big enough fool not to see through him .