
  • 网络clarity;definition;Distinctness
  1. 对内容的长度、明晰度和亵渎的语言我们进行了编辑。

    The contents have been edited for length , clarity & and some profanity .

  2. 作者从现代诗歌的写作风格出发,揭示了现代派文学与传统文学截然不同的特征,对传统写作风格所要求的明晰度进行了彻底的否定。

    From an analysis of the writing style of modern poetry , the author demonstrated the characteristics of modernist literature in contrast to classical literature and negated the clarity of traditional writing style .

  3. 明晰度高的习语比明晰度低的习语理解得更好。

    That means the transparent idioms are much easier to be understood than less transparent idioms .

  4. 产权明晰度与刑罚双罚制对于国有企业犯罪控制的作用分析及对策

    An Analysis an Countermeasures on the Influence of Property Right Distinction System and Dial-penalty in the Punishment

  5. 此外,前人研究在对习语明晰度是否能影响二语习语理解方面仍存在争议。

    Moreover , there were some disagreements of whether the transparency can affect the L2 idiom comprehension .

  6. 通过测评分析,将企业文化分为企业文化外向性、参与性、内部一致性、顾客导向4个特质;将企业战略分为战略竞争创新性、对外关注度、战略明晰度3个维度。

    Through the evaluation analysis , corporate culture is divided into four characteristics which are the culture extraversion , participatory , internal consistency ; customer-orientation .

  7. 当习语被置于语境中时,习语理解情况更为理想,特别是语境对明晰度低的习语影响很大。

    That is to say , the idiom comprehension presented in context condition is much better than that without context especially for less transparent idioms .

  8. 其次,本文以产品明晰度为建设项目的关键特性,详细分析了它与各项建设项目交易成本的密切联系。

    Secondly , this paper analyzes the relations between product perspicuity , which is treated as the key dimension of construction project , and transaction cost .

  9. 以心理物理学为基础,运用模糊评判的理论,讨论了众因素系统的定性排序和定量转化的方法,给出了一种分辨率高、明晰度强的评估方法。

    Based by psychological physics , with the theory of fuzzy judgement , the article gives the evaluation method of high-rated resolution and great dearness through the discussion about the method of qualitative permutation and quantitative transformation in the multi-factored system .

  10. 目前大部分研究集中在习语熟悉度,明晰度和语境对英语本族语学习者理解习语的影响,也有少部分学者开始转向对二语学习者理解习语的研究。

    Up to now , most of the research has focused on the effect of familiarity , transparency and linguistic context on the idiom comprehension for English native speakers , only a few of studies have begun to focus on L2 learners .

  11. 模糊语义学研究对象是语素、词和词组的模糊性,它的研究涉及语义模糊性、明晰性、模糊度、范畴等概念。

    Fuzzy semantics has the feature of fuzziness of morphemes , words and phrases as its research object and its theoretical research involves such concepts as semantic fuzziness , perspicuity , degrees of fuzziness and category .

  12. 第五章比较了模糊与明晰在两种语言中互相转化的不同表现,从三个方面进行:明晰变模糊,模糊变明晰及模糊隶属度变化的差异。

    In Chapter Five , the differences of the transfer of clearness and fuzziness in different languages are discussed from three aspects , the phenomenon of how clearness turn into fuzziness , fuzziness to clearness and changes of degree of belonging .