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zuǒ yòu shǒu
  • Left and right hands;right-hand man;valuable assistant;capable assistant
左右手 [zuǒ yòu shǒu]
  • [capable assistant] 比喻得力的助手

  • 宇文水相,吾左右手,何可废也!--《北史.周文帝纪》

左右手[zuǒ yòu shǒu]
  1. 老费舍尔的左右手,小费舍尔的教父。

    Fischer Senior 's right-hand man . Fischer Junior 's godfather .

  2. 你不是那个合适的人选你已经50多岁,还是老板的左右手?

    YOU 'RE NOT THE MAN You are aged 50-plus and your boss 's right-hand man ?

  3. 她弯腰向下,左右手交叉触及脚趾。

    She reached down , touching her toes with opposite hands

  4. 但假如他们同乘坐一条船渡河,遇到风暴的话,他们也会互相帮助,就像一个人的左右手互相配合那样,一点也不会像是仇人。

    But if they were on the same boat and encounter a storm , they would help each other just like one 's left hand coordinates with his right hand , and they didn 't seem hostile to each other at all .

  5. 基于EMD的左右手运动想象脑电信号分析研究

    Analysis of Right and Left Motor Imagery Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition

  6. 基于MMIC技术的新型微型双面复合左右手传输线

    Novel Compact Dual Composite Right / Left-Handed Transmission Line in MMIC Technology

  7. 指标:心理的疲劳问卷(睡眠情况、症状自评量表及疲劳症状),体能测试(引体向上、立定跳远、100m跑、背肌力、左右手握力)。

    The symptom checklist , the psychological fatigue questionnaire , a sleep questionnaire , and several physical fitness measures were evaluated .

  8. 一种SIW复合左右手结构的双频功分器

    A Dual Frequency Power Divider Based on SIW and Composite Right / Left-handed Structure

  9. 为了进一步验证这个观点,该研究使用面孔识别任务,以13名右利手的中国大学生为被试,测量被试对morphing面孔的左右手反应差异。

    To test this further , we employed a face identification task and examined hand response differences in Chinese college students .

  10. 对左右手运动想象脑电信号进行准确分类是脑-机接口(BCI)研究领域的重要问题。

    Accurate classification of imaginary left and right hand movements of EEG is an important issue in brain-computer interface ( BCI ) .

  11. 对被试者想象左右手运动过程中,记录的脑电信号采用了能量分析法量化了事件相关去同步ERD和事件相关同步ERS时程,同时提取了相位信息。

    ERD / ERS time course was quantified by energy analysis , and simultaneously ex - tracted phase information .

  12. 通过分类结果的比较分析,发现全电极数据分类精度高于C3、C4双电极数据分类精度,不同的视听觉刺激对左右手运动想象分类精度基本无影响。

    By comparing classification results , we found that different visual and auditory stimulation had hardly impact on the classification accuracy of left and right hand motor imagery .

  13. 在分析左右手复合传输线结构特性和微机电系统(Micro-Electro-MechanicalSystems,MEMS)技术基础上,设计分析了耦合蛇形线结构和横向热驱动MEMS开关。

    Coupled meander lines and thermal driven lateral MEMS switch were designed , based on the analysis of composite left / right handed transmission line ( CRLH TL ) structure and Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems ( MEMS ) technology .

  14. 十指指纹扫描(个人的左右手10根手指的扫描)的收集过程称为“十印收集(ten-printcollection)”。

    The process of collecting all ten fingerprint scans ( one from each finger of the right and left hands of an individual ) is known as ten-print collection .

  15. 大量的实测数据分类结果证明:利用在线ICA算法的包络提取性能,可以成功地实现对左右手运动想象脑电的动态分析和识别。

    Based on the classification results from large quantities of measured data , it can be identified that using online ICA algorithm to extract the μ rhythm envelope can successfully classify the left and right hand motor imagery .

  16. 结果:病人和正常人组左右手(脚)震颤平均振幅差值△和手脚震颤频率X,有显著性差异。

    The average amplitude difference between the right and left hand | Δ | and the tremor frequency of the hand or the foot X are calculated . Results : | Δ | and X of patients with neurological disease are significantly different from those of normal people .

  17. 本研究提出了利用事件相关脑电复杂度提取大脑运动意识特征,应用Mahalanobis距离判别式分析法,对人脑想象左右手运动任务进行分类,获得了满意的结果。

    The method extracting brain motor consciousness feature by event-related EEG complexity was proposed in this paper . Applying Mahalanobis distance discriminant analysis to distinguish the left and right hand motor imaginary tasks , the satisfactory results were obtained .

  18. 采用ZMⅢ智能脉象仪,测定30例慢性胃炎湿证患者左右手的脉图参数,并与30例正常人对照组比较。

    ZM - ⅲ intelligent pulse instrument was used to detect the cunkou pulse parameters in 30 patients with chronic gastritis of damp syndrome , and another 30 healthy people were observed as control .

  19. 本文着眼于基于左右手运动想象的脑-机接口,充分利用了2003年和2004年国际BCI算法竞赛的相关公开数据,针对小样本运动想象脑电的特征提取和模式分类算法进行了离线研究。

    Oriented to the left vs. right hand motor imagery based BCI , offline research on the algorithms of feature extraction and pattern classification was carried out for the small number of samples from the public data sets of 2003 and 2004 International BCI Algorithm Contests .

  20. 作为剧中美国总统(JuliaLouis-Dreyfus饰演)的左右手,Amy(AnnaChlumsky饰演)是一个无拘无束,如小爆竹一样的女人,勇于追求自己事业中想要的一切。

    Instead of tiptoeing around her job as the right-hand woman to the President of the United States ( POTUS ) , played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus , Anna Chlumsky 's character , Amy , is a no-holds-barred , firecracker-of-a-woman who isn 't afraid to go after what she wants in her career .

  21. 并对左手材料的两种实现方式谐振式结构和非谐振式结构进行比较分析,重点介绍了复合左右手传输线(CRLH-TL)理论及其在天线设计中的应用。

    The comparative analysis of the two mainly implementing forms of the left handed materials is given , which is resonant structures and non-resonant structures . We pay our attention to the theory of the composite right and left handed transmission lines ( CRLH-TL ) .

  22. 结果:以出现咔哒声响作为腰椎旋转手法成功的标志,此刻术者左右手拇指的最大平均推扳力分别为5.1±1.3kg和6.6±1.5kg。

    Results : Taken the audible release ( cracking sound ) associated with joint manipulations as a sign of successful manipulation , the average force of largest pressures was 5.1 ± 1.3 kg and 6.6 ± 1.5 kg respectively in left and right thumbs .

  23. (棒球运动)左右手都可击球。

    ( baseball ) able to bat either right-handed or left-handed .

  24. 基于左右手复合传输线的威尔金森功分器

    Wilkinson power divider based on composite right - / left-handed transmission-line

  25. 他胡涂得分辨不清左右手。

    He doesn 't know his left hand from his right .

  26. 珍是我助手,左右手。

    Jane is my assistant . Kind of like my right hand .

  27. 有一种爱,就像左右手。

    There is a love , just like right hand .

  28. 基于复合左右手传输线技术的超小型终端天线

    Supercompact Antenna Based on Composite Right / Left-Handed Transmission Line

  29. 所以信长视他为左右手。

    That 's why Nobunaga acts as his right hand .

  30. 基于想象左右手运动脑电特征提取及其统计特性分析

    Statistics analysis and feature extraction of EEG for imaging left-right hands movement