
fù xíng
  • complex
复形[fù xíng]
  1. 复形K神经的一个定理

    A Theorem for the Nerve of a Complex

  2. 图G的团复形是一个抽象复形,它的单形是G的团,用C(G)表示。

    The clique complex of a graph G is an abstract complex whose simplex is the cliques of G denoted by C ( G ) .

  3. 采用MATLAB语言编制基于复形-模拟退火算法的网架结构优化主体程序。

    Programming the main procedures with MATLAB language based on the use of complex - simulated annealing algorithm to optimize the grid structure .

  4. 基于非线性复形调优法的CFG桩复合地基优化设计

    The Optimal Design of CFG Pile Composite Foundation Based on Non-Linear Composite Optimal Method

  5. 双参数量子群GL(p,q)(2)及其上量子deRham复形

    Two-parameter quantum group gl_ ( p , q )( 2 ) and its quantum de Rham complex

  6. 在这个拓扑空间上,有两种作用,一个是复形的同构群的作用G,另一个是可缩复形引起的平移作用T。

    There are two actions on this topological space , one is the group G of isomorphisms between complexes , the other is the translation action T induced by contractible complexes .

  7. 将Morse理论应用于逆向工程中,在三角网格曲面上提取Morse复形曲线,构建四边形网格并对所得四边形网格优化。

    Morse theory was applied in Reverse Engineering and Morse-Smale complex was extracted on the triangular surface in order to construct quadrilateral meshes .

  8. s,Ko和Rado提出,它是研究单纯复形的一个很有力的工具.设I(?)

    S , Ko and Rado , it is an important tool to study simplicial complexes .

  9. 用ANSYS可编程语言APDL编制采用初始应变影响矩阵法和多次复形法进行预应力取值优化分析的程序,并对按不同目标函数进行预应力取值优化得到的结果进行了比较。

    Programs according to the initial-strain-contribution-matrix method and multi-complex method obtained by ANSYS parametric design language APDL were worked out for the prestress optimization ; results of different objective functions were compared .

  10. 合冲模是同调代数中一个非常重要的概念,它在研究复形以及Ext和Tor函子时都非常有用。

    It is very useful when we study the complex and the functors of Ext and Tor . Since the notion of syzygy modules relative to (?)

  11. 本文利用复形调优法进行TMD参数设计的优化计算,研究在满足结构最小均方位移条件下,对于给定质量比的调质阻尼器的最优参数,即最优频率和最优阻尼比。

    In this paper , by using complex configuration optimization method , we calculate the optimum parameters for a given mass TMD to meet the condition of minimum variance of displacement .

  12. 一个图G的邻域复形是以G的顶点为顶点,以G的具有公共邻接顶点的顶点子集为单形的抽象复形。

    Let G be a graph and let V ( G ) be the vertex set of G. Define the neighborhood complex N ( G ) as the simplicial complex whose simplices are those subsets of V ( G ) which have a common neighbor .

  13. 定理2K1是En的一维连通无闭道复形,K2是En的一维连通有闭道复形,则K1与K2不同伦等价;

    Theory 2 ; If K1 is one dimensional connect with no closed path complex simple , K2 is one dimensional connect with a closed path complex simple , then K1 , K2 are not homotopy equivalence .

  14. 然后以此为起点,定义离散的水平复形、垂直复形、垂直泛函复形,最后用离散的Euler算子把水平复形和垂直泛函复形粘接起来得到离散变分复形。

    Then using this result as a start-point , discrete horizontal complex , vertical complex , vertical functional complex are defined . Consequently a discrete variational complex is constructed by patching together the horizontal complex and functional complex with discrete Euler operator .

  15. 在本文中我们从Wigner分布的复形的转动的观点以及从在梯度折射率介质中光的传播的观点分别阐明复分数富里哀变换的定义。

    In the present work we illuminate its definition from the point of view of rotation of the complex form of Wigner distributions as well as from the view of optical propagation mechanism in graded-index medium .

  16. 其次介绍了张量积的基本性质,复形和Hochschild同调群的定义,余代数的定义并且举出一些余代数的例子。

    Secondly , we introduce the basic properties of tensor product , and the definitions of complex and Hochschild homology group , the definition of coalgebra and some examples .

  17. 通过分析集成电路制造工艺中的核心环节&光刻技术,采用机械微复形原理的压印光刻技术可避免传统光学光刻的光学衍射限制,能够对最小到6nm特征尺寸的图形进行复制。

    Through analyzing optical Lithography , which is the core of the integrated circuit manufacturing technique , imprint lithography based on mechanical micro-replicating technique can avoid the diffracting limitation of traditional optical lithography and has the ability to replicate pattern with 6 nm feature sizes .

  18. 改进的复形法与索承网壳结构的索力优化

    Advanced Complex Method and Cables Tension Optimization for Cable-supported Lattice Shells

  19. 弥散实验确定地下水溶质水动力参数的复形调优法

    Complex Form Approximation for Determination of Hydrodynamic Parameters of Groundwater Pollution

  20. n维复形上的一类整数规划问题

    On a Kind of Integer Programming Problems on n & Complexes

  21. 任意1-连通的有限CW-复形的有理化空间是有理空间。

    The rationalization of any1-connected finite CW-complex is a rational spaces .

  22. 带有三个洞的球面的弧复形中的距离

    The distance in the arc complex for the three holed sphere

  23. 这纯属单方面的声明;半单纯复形的上同调

    It is a purely unilateral statement ; cohomology of semisimplicial complex

  24. 应用复形优化方法的船舶结构可靠性分析

    Reliability analysis of ship structures using improved complex method of optimization

  25. 差分复形的同伦算子是文章的一个重要结果;

    The homotopy operator of difference complex is an important result .

  26. 复形法在拱坝优化中的应用

    Application of the complex method to optimization design of arch dams

  27. 结构优化的无初始随机复形法及其应用

    Non-initial Random Complex Method of Structure Optimization and Its Application

  28. 伴随局部维修的两部件复形系统的定时替换策略

    The Tactics of Time Replace for Complex Two-unit System with Local Maintenance

  29. 粒子群复形法求解旅行商问题

    Complex particle swarm optimization algorithm for solving travelling salesman problem

  30. 基于粒子群复形法优化复垦土地结构

    Optimum design of reclamation land structure based on complex particle swarm optimization