
  • 网络compounding;compound interest
  1. 虽然货币时间价值的理论基础不受复利周期的影响,但提高复利计算频率却会影响将来值及现值计算。

    While the conceptual foundations of TVM calculations are not affected by the compounding period , more frequent compounding does have an impact on FV and PV computations .

  2. 如果复利按季度进行,则在一年中的复利计算将出现4次。

    If compounding is quarterly this will occur four times a year .

  3. B:存款利息是固定的,而保险红利在每个保单年度末自动转到您的账户上,而且期限越长红利越多,因为它是按复利计算的。

    B : The deposit interest is fixed , while the dividend of each policy will be transferred automatically into your account through our bank by the end of each policy year . The longer the term is , the higher the dividend you earn because it is calculated at the compound interest rate .

  4. 利培酮的合成复利计算模型辨析

    Analysis on the Model of Compound Interest Calculation

  5. 银行逐日以复利计算利息。

    The bank compounds the interest daily .

  6. 论利育实践复利计算模型辨析

    On Practice of Education for Desire View Analysis on the Model of Compound Interest Calculation

  7. 这是因为年轻人可以承担高风险、高回报的投资,并且可以让他们的投资期限更长,使他们的利息以复利计算。

    This is because young people can tolerate higher-risk , higher return investments , and can let their investments mature longer , allowing interest on savings to compound .

  8. 巧用复利公式计算工程的净现值

    Make Ingenious Use of Compound Interest Formulae to Calculate Net Present Value of Engineering

  9. 举例来说,他们利用单利而不是复利方式计算利息。

    For instance , they calculate interest by the flat interest method . It 's not exponentially derived .

  10. 利用连续复利原理计算商业信用成本率,并结合实际数据对现金折扣方案给出了定量化的技术经济评价。

    This paper deduces a rate of the mercantile credit cost , and gives an quantitative evaluation of engineering economy by taking a practical example .

  11. 在分析过程中资金的时间价值与等值尤为重要,这里面涉及到单利和复利的计算、现值、年值和终值之间的关系。

    In the analysis process , it is important to stress the time value and equivalent value of capital ; this involves the calculation of single rate and compound rate , and the relationship among current value , year-end value and final value .