
  • 网络Baath;baath party
  1. 当地一座警察局和执政的“社会复兴党”(BaathParty)的办公室被点燃。

    A police station and the offices of the ruling Baath Party were set ablaze .

  2. 或者是复兴党的聚会处。

    Or the center of gravity for Baath Party meetings .

  3. 复兴党的世俗性也推动了伊拉克朝现代化方向发展,比如跨宗教通婚和科学教育。

    Baathist secularism promoted such modernising trends as inter-faith marriage and scientific education .

  4. 复兴党执政时期的伊美关系

    Iraq-U.S. Relationship at Ruling Period of Baath Party

  5. 到后来由于伊拉克复兴党的上台,公开表态反对这一政策。

    With Iraqi Baath Party coming into power , government opposed this policy in public .

  6. 在本阿里的统治下,突尼斯复兴党被取缔,该党领导人或入狱或被流放。

    Under Mr Ben Ali , nahda was outlawed and its leaders imprisoned or exiled .

  7. 叙利亚长期以来一直是由阿萨德家族的复兴党领导的一党制。

    Syria has long had a single-party system led by the Ba'ath party of the Assad family .

  8. 伊拉克复兴党的多重政治认同在其政权生存中具有特殊的意义,但也有其致命的弱点。

    The multi-folded political identities of the Iraqi Baath Party are both of special meanings and fatal vulnerabilities .

  9. 就算加努西更为柔和的说辞是真心的,妇女还是很担忧复兴党和党内的极端分子。

    Even if Mr Ghannouchi 's softer words are sincere , women are worried by Nahda and its more extremist elements .

  10. 当代中东经济政治强烈的他组织色彩;伊拉克复兴党作为政党与生物系统的类似性。

    The strong pattern of the other-organization in contemporary Middle Eastern economy and politics , and the similarity of the ruling Iraqi Ba'th Party to ecological system .

  11. 伊拉克复兴党的泛阿拉伯主义实践,最后分析了伊拉克在历史上长期成为泛阿拉伯主义民族中心和泛阿拉伯主义在伊拉克恒久不衰的原因。

    Finally the author analyzed the reasons why Iraq became the centre of pan-Arabism for a long period in history and why pan-Arabism is forever lasting in Iraq .

  12. 萨达姆·侯赛因在20岁时加入了复兴党,在接下来的20年里,他通过复兴党崛起,于1979年夺取政权。

    Saddam Hussein joined the Ba'ath party at the age of 20 and , in the next two decades , rose through the party , seizing power in 1979 .

  13. 萨达姆·侯赛因的阿拉伯社会复兴党的一些前任成员作为杀手牵扯进了这些谋杀中,但是一些和伊拉克前政权有联系的科学家在一些明显的报复行动中也被谋杀了。

    Former members of Saddam Hussein 's Ba'ath party are implicated in the killings as assassins , while some scientists associated with the old regime have been murdered in apparent acts of revenge .

  14. 例如,阿萨德倒台不应包括解雇所有政府官员或者废除国家机关,引发类似伊拉克去复兴党化(de-Ba'athification)那样的混乱。

    His removal , for example , should probably not include the wholesale dismissal of state officials or the dismantling of state institutions , allowing for the kind of chaos the de-Ba'athification of Iraq produced .

  15. 复兴党统治时期的伊拉克,由于在其特有的政治、宗教、文化环境中存在着许多变量,统治者可以按照其政治利益的需求来界定或重新界定国家的政治认同。

    Owing to the uncertainties in Iraqi unique political , religious and cultural environment , the ruling Baath Party could define or redefine the national political identities to cope with the needs of its political interests .

  16. 复兴党当政初期,妇女被宣布享有平等的权利并接受义务教育(家庭可以阻止其上学)。

    In the early years of Baath rule , women were declared equal under the law and were required to attend literacy classes ( though some were prevented from doing so by conservative family members ) .

  17. 在中东政坛的诸多政党中,伊拉克复兴党以其独特的思想行为体系、严密的社会组织模式和有效的实践行动方式而驰名于中东。

    Among the Mideast parties on the political arena , the Iraqi Baath Party was especially famous for the system of unique idea and behavior , the model of its rigorous social organization and the way of effective practices in the Middle East .

  18. 在第二章,从复兴党的四次联合实践(即阿拉伯联合共和国、三方会谈和两次叙伊联合)分析复兴党的泛阿拉伯主义理论。

    In Chapter Two , the author analyzes the pan-arabism of Ba'th Party from the point of view of the four times unities of Ba'th Party which are Arab United republic , The Tripartite Unity Talks and the two unities of Syria and Iraq .

  19. 伊拉克自1968年复兴党上台后的35年中,伊美关系经历了从复兴党执政前期的“政冷经热”,到两伊战争爆发后的全面缓和,再到海湾危机后激烈对抗的重大变化。

    After the Baath Party was in power in 1968 , the 35 years witnessed the great changes on the ( Iraq-U.S. ) relationship : the political depression and the economic development in the early stage ; the overall relaxation after the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War ;